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GroupWise CRM Integrations

Since becoming the GroupWise Product Manager I have spent some time investigating the integration of GroupWise with various CRM systems.  A couple of weeks ago Omni-TS announced SugarCRM integrations - SugarCRM is a very popular open source CRM system.  It seems to be a very complete solution that does some smart things without your users needing to either install anything, or even think about the CRM system - a lot of the data is sucked over automatically.  The question is which one should be next?  There is a survey on coolsolutions that we would love all of you with a CRM need to fill in - this will help Novell and Omni to target where to go next.


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  • Hello, Roger.
    Good to hear that you filled out the survey. We are looking to receive as much feedback as possible on this subject.

    The objective of Omni's Riva CRM Integration Strategy is to create a platform that allows all CRM products to integrate transparently with GroupWise - at the server level. It just so happens that we chose SugarCRM as our first target. Our research and market analysis regarding integration between "Microsoft" and CRMs showed us that "default" integration is usually very minimal and is always delivered with some type of link to the Outlook client. This type of integration requires that the individual user decide what should or should not be synchronised between his/her Outlook account and the CRM on an individual email or contact basis.

    Any time you look for a more integrated Exchange solution, there are additional charges and servers that need to be purchased. For example, if you want to integrate Exchange with Maximizer at the server level (rather than at the individual Outlook account level), you need to purchase the MaxSync module on a per-user basis, install extra Windows servers and SQL servers, pay for additional server and client access licences, ... "Integration with Microsoft Exchange Server requires MaxSync add-on product (additional fees apply)."

    What Omni proposes with our server-based strategy is to provide transparent integration between the target CRM and GroupWise - no client changes, no changes to GroupWise, no additional servers, no changes to the CRM, no changes in how the users interact with GroupWise or the CRM. The Omni CRM integration agent does all of the "magic" on the server side.

    I look forward to further discussion on CRM integration with GroupWise and receiving your feedback directly on our strategy.


  • Hello, Roger.
    Good to hear that you filled out the survey. We are looking to receive as much feedback as possible on this subject.

    The objective of Omni's Riva CRM Integration Strategy is to create a platform that allows all CRM products to integrate transparently with GroupWise - at the server level. It just so happens that we chose SugarCRM as our first target. Our research and market analysis regarding integration between "Microsoft" and CRMs showed us that "default" integration is usually very minimal and is always delivered with some type of link to the Outlook client. This type of integration requires that the individual user decide what should or should not be synchronised between his/her Outlook account and the CRM on an individual email or contact basis.

    Any time you look for a more integrated Exchange solution, there are additional charges and servers that need to be purchased. For example, if you want to integrate Exchange with Maximizer at the server level (rather than at the individual Outlook account level), you need to purchase the MaxSync module on a per-user basis, install extra Windows servers and SQL servers, pay for additional server and client access licences, ... "Integration with Microsoft Exchange Server requires MaxSync add-on product (additional fees apply)."

    What Omni proposes with our server-based strategy is to provide transparent integration between the target CRM and GroupWise - no client changes, no changes to GroupWise, no additional servers, no changes to the CRM, no changes in how the users interact with GroupWise or the CRM. The Omni CRM integration agent does all of the "magic" on the server side.

    I look forward to further discussion on CRM integration with GroupWise and receiving your feedback directly on our strategy.


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