DevOps Cloud
IT Operations Cloud
GroupWise 8 has the ability to display web pages from within the GroupWise client. We can leverage this ability to seamlessly display web mail within the GroupWise client. To do this use the following steps.
1) Right click on the folder where you would like your web mail folder to reside and select New Folder.
2) Name the folder. I called mine Gmail.
3) Right click on the new folder and select properties.
4) Select the Display tab.
5) Under View By select Panels.
6) A new button should appear named Customize Panels. Click on this button.
7) Change the layout to One Column then click on New Panel.
Name the Panel
9) Choose Selected Web page and enter the URL of your web mail provider (IE
10) Select how often you want GroupWise to refresh this page, then click OK.
11) Highlight the new panel you created, then select add. Press OK to close the Customize Panels screen, then press OK again to close the folder properties.
12) Highlight your new folder on the left and you will see your web mail page on the right.
13) Login and you're set!