Whether for business or fun, having a graphic included in your email signature is a good way of getting attention in your correspondence. In GroupWise adding the company logo or a humorous picture to your various signatures is easy if you know where to click. (You DID know you can have multiple signatures, didn’t you?)
I’m using GroupWise 2014 for this example, but the process for all recent versions of GroupWise is pretty much the same. First, of course, you need a graphic stored somewhere you can grab. Be conscious of the size and resolution of your graphic. Make sure it’s just how you want it to appear in your signature. GroupWise isn’t <insert the name of your favorite graphic manipulation program here> so do your graphic work before putting it in your signature. Once you have your graphic ready, here are the steps to get it into your signature:
Open GroupWise (if that wasn’t obvious)
From the top toolbar, click “Tools”
At the bottom of the dropdown, select “Options…”
Getting you to the right place
Now double click on the “Environment” icon
Select the “Signature” tab. (It may be on the bottom or top row of tabs)
Enter the text of your signature
Click on the little double carrot on the bottom right corner of the signature text box
Getting you to the correct menu
This brings up a menu of all types of formatting options, one of which is “Insert Picture”
Select this, pick your graphic you’ve saved somewhere
Voilà ! You have a graphic in your signature. As you can see from the screen shot of my signature below, I’ve added a horizontal line above my graphic. Experiment with it. You can get that signature looking exactly like you want it.
Remember you can have multiple signatures for multiple purposes. One for work. Another for fun. Another for your volunteer work. GroupWise lets your personality shine through in your email communication. Have fun!
Thanks Kim for the info. I had a lot of use out of multiple signatures as I wear many hats. In GW 2012 I could chose which signature to use on sending the email but I can't find any way of switching Signature's now we have moved to GW 2014 r2. Any thoughts
Thanks Kim for the info. I had a lot of use out of multiple signatures as I wear many hats. In GW 2012 I could chose which signature to use on sending the email but I can't find any way of switching Signature's now we have moved to GW 2014 r2. Any thoughts
From the window where you create/send an email: - Click "Edit". - Select the last item on the list: "Change Signature". - Select the signature you want to use.
__________ Kevin Boyle, SuperUser Calgary, Alberta, Canada
Let me point you to some GW experts that can help figure it out for you. Go to the GroupWise forums: forums.novell.com/.../356-GroupWise Login, and select the GW:2014 Clients forum. Post your question there (you can include a link back to this blog post if you want). There are lots of friendly GW experts there that are more than willing to help. Good luck!
My computer used to beat me a chess all the time ..... until I changed the competition to kick boxing.