Sometimes an admin may want to stress test their GroupWise system, underlying filesystem performance and message flow by load testing it with hundreds or thousands of messages.
With the correct tools, this is actually quite easy to do. The tool I chose was Apache JMeter which allows you to create automation scripts, and thankfully includes an easily usable SMTP module for building what we want by pushing the messages through your GWIA(s).
Download and extract Apache JMeter, and be sure you have support java JVM installed.
To start jmeter, go into the bin directory and run the appropriate jmeter.bat/sh script
In jmeter gui, right click Test Plan and choose Add>Threads(users)>Thread Group
Choose how many messages you want to push at a time, and how many in total by filling in the Number of threads, and Loop count. A decent start is 10 threads and 100 loops, which will generate 1,000 messages, or 10 threads of 100 messages each. Keep in mind this will be per SMTP thread you add in the following step.
Right click Thread Group and choose Add>Sampler>SMTP Sampler. Configure this SMTP to authenticate against your GWIA. If you wish to test multiple GWIAs at once, simply add more SMTP Samplers to the thread group, just keep in mind that this will multiply your total messages generated.
A good idea is to use a common nonexistant email from for all, a per smtp subject so you can easier see in mailbox which messages came through to assist in troubleshooting.
There is also an option to include timestamp in subject which can assist in tracking message delivery delays.
You can also attach files to each message if you want the test messages to be larger than just simple basic test. Be wary of mailbox size growth.
Don't forget to save your test plan so you can reload it later.
Hit Run. Monitor your various GroupWise agents using their agent web consoles, and of course GW Monitor. Keep in mind GWIA mailbomb protection may block, so you may have to disable it temporarily on your GWIAs.
Once done, I recommend using a User Activated rule to clean up your test messages.
If you have separate post offices, you can further stress the system by using rules to move the generated messages to shared folders belonging to user/resource on separate PO. This will further load your underlying filesystem mtp connunication between agents.