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Internal GroupWise 8 Launch has begun!

GroupWise 8 will soon be shipping! The anticipation and excitement is increasing as Novell Marketing has begun some of their internal roll out activities on the Novell Campus in Provo, Utah. Similar activities are planned at the other Novell sites.

Just to name a few...

- Novell sponsored a GroupWise 8 on 8 Flag Football Tournament
- Novell sponsored a GroupWise 8 Fitness Challenge (Octathlon) for all employees
- GroupWise 8 Paintings were found on the grass around campus
- GroupWise 8 markings in the parking lot

Here are a few pictures...


Flag Football Team:

I will post some more pictures as other activities begin.



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Comment List
  • We have shared the GroupWise and Teaming + Conferencing Road maps several times in conferences from BrainShare, GWAVACon, Advisor, etc. I will get Alex Evans to post something in his blog about more concrete plans and specifics for the next release of GroupWise.

    I will say... we are not 'planning' new features in the support packs. We want to release the support packs on a schedule and with greater and greater quality. We believe that will allow us more time to do the next release and get it out sooner because we are not spending our time on maintenance work and clean up. New features always brings instability and a longer schedule to a support pack. We want to move away from this model and GroupWise 8 SP1 will be the first release that does its best at following this model.

    The next release - code named - Windermere - will be heavy on the the Administration and WebAccess and is planned in 2010.

    More details to come - especially at BrainShare 2009!!

  • I know everyone wants to know. I'm surprised many still don't :) The cat has been out of the bag for some time now. But I still need to allow all of the other departments and partners to prepare and finalize their plans. I will only say.... watch the press releases this coming week!

  • But... of course :) When marketing put together their plan for GroupWise 8, they obviously targeted the current install base as well as outside the current base. The Novell Executive team asked them to revise it and keep the level of marketing to the base, but to extend, expand and grow the marketing efforts for GroupWise 8 beyond the current base and target several verticals, geographies and markets. Everyone has high expectations for this release! I hope all of you do as well and will compliment Novell's efforts with efforts of your own!!

  • Hi Dean,

    Good to see you are on schedule!
    Hope you enjoy the release! :)

    As added suggestion: Would it be a good idea to include an additional note with the realse for features that can be expected with service packs. Like a mini roadmap.
    It would give an extra idea & boost of all the benefits that upgrading to Groupwise 8.0.

    As an example, If I understood correctly, the Windows/Mac/Linux clients will also be more on par with each other? And maybe other nice additions that you are planning to add as also added integration with other products like Novell Teaming.


  • Dean,

    Please can you provide a shipping date.
    We've waited way to long for this and Novell's attitude of "when it's ready, real soon now etc" isn't helpful to get management off my back.

    GW7 isn't doing the job here, and we need GW8 urgently.


    Tnx !

  • In the last issue of eWeek (November 3, 2008) Jim Rapoza of eWeek labs tested 2 alternate solutions to Microsoft Exchange. They were Gornado Messaging Suite 15.01 and IBM Lotus Notes and Domino 8.02 Where was GroupWise in this review? Did Novell even reach out to magazines such as eWeek and others, letting them know that there is a new version of GroupWise 7.1, oops 8.0?

    Gornado Messaging? Who has heard of these guys? OK let's not see all the hands going up all at once... I know they were the brains behind NTMail back in the day. That said, GroupWise is far more of a household name than Gornado. This clearly shows that Novell is really not trying to go above and beyond their own customer base and their Marketing department (or lack there of) is not even aware of publications doing tests on competitive Email products.

    Don't tell me that this was a surprise to everyone while you guys were playing flag football. My eWeek arrives wrapped in plastic with an extra advertisement piece in front of it from St. Bernard who was pushing their iPrism SPAM filtering appliance. So we know that this edition of eWeek was focused on complimentary or competitive products to Microsoft Exchange. Once again, Novell missed the boat... Best of luck with GroupWise 9.0 which will have 6 more features added to it, that no one cares about. Now let's get back to playing football and paint the campus lawn.
  • I hope Novell Marketing has plans to market this *outside* of Novell, and even perhaps *outside* of Novell's existing customer base!