DevOps Cloud
IT Operations Cloud
This applet will produce a statistical report on the volume of messages you sent and received during a user-specified period.
An example report is shown below.
Mailbox Statistics
Tuesday, 1 October 2002 - Wednesday, 18 December 2002
Incoming Messages
Email: 766
Notes: 10
Tasks: 7
Appointments: 10
Phone Messages: 10
Documents: 0
Total: 803
Outgoing Messages
Email: 628
Notes: 10
Tasks: 3
Appointments: 3
Phone Messages: 6
Documents: 0
Total: 654
INTEGRATIONS: GroupWise toolbars.
*The installation file contains one or more Formativ applets, a brief help text file and any data required by the solution.
Note: To run the free applets available on this page, you will need to install one of the Formativ products below:
Visit the Formativ Applet Central site for more information.