I have exhausted all other resources for trying to get the spell check function to work within Groupwise 6.5.6 when installed on Citrix Presentation Server 4.5.
Everything works fine with the exception of the spell checker, and some users are not happy without their spell checker.
1. Re-install the Citrix server.
2. During the Terminal Services portion of the setup, choose "Relaxed security".
We are running MF XPfr3 on W2k. I know the system is old, but we are stuck with it for a few more months until we can upgrade. We are having the same problems with spell checker. It has been a while since I did a Citrix server install on W2k, but I do not believe there was a "Relaxed security" install option during the TS portion of the install. Any ideas what specific security settings I should change? Spell check works fine with my Admin credentials.
I like Dion's suggestion of an easier way, but I do not believe GW7 uses dictionary files. The only reference in the Registry is to the WT61EN.MOR file located at C:\Novell\GroupWise\
Whenever a user launches the program thru Citrix, the key pointing to this file gets created automatically in their profile. I have tried giving my test account full privileges at the root of the C:\ drive on the Citrix server with no luck getting spell check to work. The error message is: "There is an error in the Speller Checker's Windows Registry information".
If you are running Citrix under Windows server 2003 then simply copy the 4 dictionary files to the ALL Users profile then you can run GroupWise under Citrix with full spell check functionality.
In some cases you may need to also need to copy the files to the Default Users profile.