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Cascading filters


Did you ever consider to cascade filters?

Here is one example - maybe this helps for future requests.
Original name for filters and services are in blue.

If I receive something from a partner (* (Email Address)

AND  subject contains 'special string' (Message Text)


tag this message (Message Tag) AND
send a copy to a general purpose mailbox (Carbon Copy)

SMG will solve this here:

Yes, it is really that simple!


Support Tips/Knowledge Docs
Support Tip
Comment List

    Considering the poor SMG documentation, tips like these may be the only way that customers become aware of some of SMG's advanced capabilities.

    The SMG workbench was designed to enable the use of complex logic conditions when configuring filters. The example you provided is a very simple one but one that customers are far more likely to use. Still, there are some undocumented limitations about which we all should be aware. I have highlighted one here:

    Enable the processing of exceptions when attached to a child filter

    Kevin Boyle, SuperUser

    Calgary, Alberta, Canada
