DevOps Cloud
IT Operations Cloud
SMG migration documentation is available here
Unfortunately, there are a couple of items that could use a little more clarification. I thought I would provide my notes to supplement the documentation and help anyone else out who is preparing to do a Ubuntu SMG appliance migration to SLES SMG appliance.
I also want to give recognition to Suzie Wathen (Micro Focus SMG Tech Support) for her assistance in working through the migration. Her expertise was vital to completing this task.
The numbered steps below match up with the steps in the documentation linked above (at the time this was published):
1. Download the SLES OVA file and deploy it.
2. Edit the virtual settings. The default CPU and RAM settings were acceptable for my environment. I changed hard disk 1 from the default 16 GB to 60 GB and added a 50 GB hard disk 2.
3. Power on the appliance.
4. Accept the license.
5. Specify the passwords, NTP server and timezone.
6. Specify the hostname and IP address and other request network settings. During the migration process, the hostname and IP address for the source and destination appliances will be swapped.
7. Select the secondary hard drive that you created.
8. Login to the VAAdmin Console at https://<ip or dns of new smg server>:9443 using the vaadmin user.
9. Prep the SMG on SLES appliance.
Because I did not change the database user of my Ubuntu SMG appliance from the default settings, I did not need to change any user information in phpPgAdmin. However, the first time I setup the SLES SMG appliance, I was unable to login to phpPgAdmin > postgresql. I chose to delete the VM and start over. The second time, the login worked and so I just used this as a check to make sure everything was deploying properly.
At this point you should also enable access to the Ubuntu SMG appliance. Micro Focus provides a script to do this, but it is not mentioned in the documentation.
10. On the SLES SMG appliance, select SMG User Interface > Role > Replace an existing Secure Messaging Gateway server
11. Enter the following information:
12. Proceed to the validation step and then open the link to the Ubuntu SMG appliance.
13. Advance the wizard on the SLES appliance to install.
14. Login to the Ubuntu SMG appliance and select System Administration > System Management > Manage Servers > (name of your server) > Prepare
The Ubuntu SMG appliance is now configured with the IP address of your SLES SMG appliance.
15. No additional notes here.
16. Login to the VAAdmin Console of the SLES SMG appliance using at https://<ip or dns of new smg server>:9443 using the vaadmin user. Select Appliance Configuration > Network (This takes a few seconds to respond.) Select eth0 to change the network settings. You should change the IP address and hostname to match the ones used by your Ubuntu SMG appliance. Select Ok. This page will display "saving network configuration" but will never get beyond that because the IP address change you made has broken the connection. Open a command line on the server (I did this through the server console of my virtual environment) and verify that the address has changed using the command "ip a". If it has changed, reboot the server. After the server boots, you should be able to login to the SMG Administration interface (this is not the appliance port 9443 interface) and verify that everything looks the same as the Ubuntu SMG appliance.
17. You now need to copy the quarantine files from the Ubuntu SMG appliance to the SLES SMG appliance. First boot up the Ubuntu SMG appliance. It should be reachable at the IP address that you used when you first created the SLES SMG appliance.
Clean up steps:
Hopefully this helps clear up a few items. If there are any questions or comments about my notes, please leave it in the comment section below.