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The December SMG update will be live any minute.


We have posted the December SMG update and are just waiting for the final process through our system to make is live to you.  That should finish within the hour, if not sooner.  

The information about this update can be found here -

PLEASE NOTE:  if you applied the release of 23.4 that was accidently put out, you must do the product update of this first before the OS update.  This will remove that version and bring you to version 23.3.4.




New Release-Feature
Comment List
  • Please look at what is written here carefully, I am not yet very familiar with the SMG. This is just an observation

    One more addition to the update process for my test installation. The first step was the updates for SMG for Suse. The SMG version was reported after the update with version 7.02, in the browser itself with 23.3.3. After the restart, the version update to 23.3.4 (7.03) was then offered, which was also installed. The browser displays 23.3.4 rpm:1.0.1-496.1

    smg:~ # lsof -i:25 with an IP address in the bind field
    smg-smtp 1483  smg   13u  IPv4 112064      0t0  TCP (LISTEN)

    lsof -1:25 without any IP address in the bind field

    smg:~ # lsof -i:25
    smg-smtp 1483  smg   13u  IPv4 112823      0t0  TCP *:smtp (LISTEN)


    a tcpdump. Excerpt from the traffic from a perimeter firewall with EXIM proxy in the direction of SMG error 421 after 250 ok from SMG
    it seems that the connection from the SMG is dropped after a short time with smpt error 421. What can still be seen in Wireshark is when the fqdm is given for the smg-smtp service that there are situations in which the smtp 220 response is empty at the first connect instead of the fqdn being reported.

    07:59:10.426426 IP (tos 0x0, ttl 64, id 0, offset 0, flags [DF], proto TCP (6), length 40) > Flags [R], cksum 0x6a55 (correct), seq 1678949131, win 0, length 0
    07:59:10.426572 IP (tos 0x0, ttl 64, id 14906, offset 0, flags [DF], proto TCP (6), length 95) > Flags [FP.], cksum 0xea76 (correct), seq 6748:6791, ack 883, win 235, options [nop,nop,TS val  494656429 ecr 3396239362], length 43: SMTP, length: 43  421 lost input connection

    Please take everything with a grain of salt, the deep dive into SMG is missing

    “You can't teach a person anything, you can only help them to discover it within themselves.” Galileo Galilei

  • I have the same issue and it seems to be quite a mess.  I have a support case open and am getting this same generic answer from my support tech: "PLEASE NOTE: if you applied the release of 23.4 that was accidently put out, you must do the product update of this first before the OS update. This will remove that version and bring you to version 23.3.4."

    I am waiting on clarification on exactly what she means and how to do it.  I personally am showing version 23.3.3 and when I go to Product Update it wants to update me to 7.0.2.  When I tell it to update, it looks like it tries, but does nothing.  Just prompts me to do it again, even after a VM restart.

  •  said...

    "I was on version 23.4 - yes, I was too fast. Now I had to run an "Online Update" to return to 23.3.4 and afterwards a "Product Upgrade" (a lot of SuSE updates) to swim in the main stream."

    Be that as it may...

    For something as significant as a Product Upgrade there should definitely be some release notes describing what it does and why it is needed.

    The UPDATE HISTORY shows Features and Bug fixes for the Version: 23.3.4 update so I assume this is required but my Online Update does not show it.

     You said, "PLEASE NOTE: if you applied the release of 23.4 that was accidently put out, you must do the product update of this first before the OS update. This will remove that version and bring you to version 23.3.4." but what about the rest of us? Will we only be offered the product update after the OS update is installed or is there another reason why I don't see it? Your statement suggests we need to be at 23.3.4 to do the OS update. This needs to be better documented.

    Kevin Boyle, SuperUser

    Calgary, Alberta, Canada

  • Kevin,

    for early birds like me there are two steps necessary to run a version which support expects.

    I was on version 23.4 - yes, I was too fast. Now I had to run an "Online Update" to return to 23.3.4 and afterwards a "Product Upgrade" (a lot of SuSE updates) to swim in the main stream.

    Me and some of mine customers too have returned to the main stream. But - there is a but - I have to adjust some settings to make SMG to listen on SMTP.

    "Secure Messaging Gateway 7.0.2" is more or less the internal name I think ...

    Use "Verified Answers" if your problem/issue has been solved!

  • Thankfully, I did not apply the 23.4 update... I'm still on 23.3.3 rpm: 1.0.1-464.1.

    PLEASE NOTE:  if you applied the release of 23.4 that was accidently put out, you must do the product update of this first before the OS update. 

    Pardon my confusion...

    • What is the "product update" to which you refer that will remove that version and bring you to version 23.3.4 ?
    • What is this OS update? There is no information about it in the UPDATE HISTORY.

     refers to "Product Update to Secure Messaging Gateway 7.0.2".  This is what I see in my Online Update.

    • Have we now reverted back to the old naming convention? 
    • What does this update do?
    • Why is there no information about it?
    • Why do I not see the Version: 23.3.4 update?

    Kevin Boyle, SuperUser

    Calgary, Alberta, Canada

  • Georg,

    I think we will keep our discussion in this thread:  SMG does not listen on SMTP port after December upgrade 

    So we do not have to follow both .. Innocent


    Use "Verified Answers" if your problem/issue has been solved!

  • Hello Diethmar,

    thank you for bringing this up to our attention.

    In my lab environment coming from a 'vanilla version' fresh from the SLD as a starting image OVA 232.

    I was not able to replicate the connection problem.

    If the system got accidentally upgraded to 23.4/ the earlier reverted update, it might have to do with the 'downgrade from 23.4 to 23.3.4' that the SMG SMTP service did not work as planned.

    In the latest update there are two 'parts' which might come into place, however in any combination i was unsuccessful of bringing my systems SMTP availability to a stop.

    OnlineUpdate: Updates the software to '23.3.4 rpm:1.0.1-496.1'
    Product Update to Secure Messaging Gateway 7.0.2

    Thank you,


  • Maybe I fixed it.

    My interface was using default values for a very long time.

    But this general listen address does not work any more it seems. I have replaced by an explicit ip address and my SMG is back to work ago.

    Instead of 15 minutes it took 2 hours ... Disappointed   ... and some head aches.

    Use "Verified Answers" if your problem/issue has been solved!

  • I tried my environment first. Both steps took a little bit more than 15 minutes. SMG is up and running now.

    But it seems that SMG does not listen on port 25 now. So take care!

    Use "Verified Answers" if your problem/issue has been solved!
