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Knowledge Document: Postgres password change for Secure Messaging Gateway (SMG)


Secure Messaging Gateway (SMG)

The default password for postgres is not secure and needs to be changed.


  1. Shut down SMG services with: service smg stop
  2. Log in to the vaadmin console on port 9443.
  3. Select phppgadmin.
  4. Select PostgreSQL below Servers on the left sidebar.
  5. Log in with the default username/password: postgres/postgres
  6. Click on Roles tab..
  7. Select postgres role.
  8. Click on Alter.
  9. Change your password and enter it in again on the Confirm field.
  10. Click on Alter.
  11. Open a SSH session to the appliance.
  12. Edit /vastorage/smg/config/system.xml
  13. Change encrypted:"yes" to encrypted:"no"
  14. Remove the encrypted password after method="SSL"> and replace it with the new password.
    • It should look like this: <dbpass instructions="To update your DB password, change the encrypted setting to 'no' and overwrite the password with your new one" encrypted="no" method="SSL">NewPassword</dbpass>
  15. Start the SMG services with: service smg start
    • The smg-supervisor will switch the encrypted flag to yes and encrypt the password in system.xml
  16. Edit /vastorage/smg/smg-supervisor/http_local/security/pg_auth.php
  17. Change the password to your new password.
    • This can not be encrypted currently.
    • This step allows you to log in to the SMG admin.
  18. Log in to SMG Administration.
  19. Go to System management-> Database connections.
  20. Change each database login password.
    • Important: If you are hosting a database on another server, please do not change the password unless you changed it on that server as well.
  21. Click on the Save button on the top right corner of this page.
  22. Restart the SMG services through the SSH session or through the Module Status page.

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