Situation The default password for postgres is not secure and needs to be changed.
Shut down SMG services with: service smg stop
Log in to the vaadmin console on port 9443.
Select phppgadmin.
Select PostgreSQL below Servers on the left sidebar.
Log in with the default username/password: postgres/postgres
Click on Roles tab..
Select postgres role.
Click on Alter.
Change your password and enter it in again on the Confirm field.
Click on Alter.
Open a SSH session to the appliance.
Edit /vastorage/smg/config/system.xml
Change encrypted:"yes" to encrypted:"no"
Remove the encrypted password after method="SSL"> and replace it with the new password.
It should look like this: <dbpass instructions="To update your DB password, change the encrypted setting to 'no' and overwrite the password with your new one" encrypted="no" method="SSL">NewPassword</dbpass>
Start the SMG services with: service smg start
The smg-supervisor will switch the encrypted flag to yes and encrypt the password in system.xml