DevOps Cloud
IT Operations Cloud
After an update from SMG7 to SMG7.0.1 when you go into the Quarantine, and click on a message, no content is visible, so you cannot release it or use any other available options.
1. At the linux SMG server terminal as “root”, cd to : /usr/lib64/php7/extensions
2. Rename the file “” to “” .
3. Issue the command : ln -s /vastorage/smg/transfer/ /usr/lib64/php7/extensions/
4. When you now do the linux ll command to list the files, you should see : —> /varstorage/smg/transfer/
5. Issue the command : service apache2 restart
6. Now when you login to the Quarantine of SMG, you should see the content of the messages in the Quarantine.
This article was published originally here: