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Sorting and cleaning up the logs

When you go to pull down the SMG logs via the web admin, is there a way to sort the logs? such as to have the newest on the top vs mixed date jumble I am seeing now?
Or is it time for more votes(up arrow to left of title) to the Idea about this?

Is there a system built in and/or safe way to cleanup old logs?
Notably, the old folders from ancient versions of SMG through a few migrations.  Folders&logs that are closing in on 3 years old when retention is only 60 days!

Now that I've found them in /vastorage/smg/services/logs/ I could just delete them, but want to make sure there isn't a problem doing so.


Andy of in Toronto
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    When you go to pull down the SMG logs via the web admin, is there a way to sort the logs?

    Not as far as I know. That is why I created the Idea.

    Now that I've found them in /vastorage/smg/services/logs/

    I find it easier to view/download the logs from there using WinSCP.

    Kevin Boyle, SuperUser

    Calgary, Alberta, Canada

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    I find it easier to view/download the logs from there using WinSCP.

    Yes, done exactly that already, as well as just SCP them to an NSS volume where I can also do a few select greps while diving in with tools like Notepad++ and  evanevery's tools
    I went from no SMGs to play with, to having two in the past week. Fun learning.

    Still wanted to point some interest at your Idea.  If I hadn't found it, would have created my own.


    Andy of in Toronto
    Please use the "Like" and/or "Verified Answers" as appropriate as that helps us all.

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    Filr also has bad/basic log management so it may be an appliance-wide idea not just SMG.

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    All the more reason for getting those votes in on the idea.  I'll be looking for yours.


    Andy of in Toronto
    Please use the "Like" and/or "Verified Answers" as appropriate as that helps us all.

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    You can export all SMG logs via the syslog interface, under Manage Server --> "Enable Syslog logging". The SMG copy the events to the syslog subsystem and you can use here a export function, topics rsyslog service and centralized logs like Splunk/graylog etc..

    All logs are time sorted and searchable inside the central log system. 

    Kind regards from Potsdam/Germany


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    All logs are time sorted and searchable inside the central log system.

    A whole other system to set up and manage, great for large organizations, but a big enough hit on resources for most smaller shops, that they don't get around to it.
    Also doesn't help too much for living off the land.


    Andy of in Toronto
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    SMG is for small enviroments?

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    Define size
    in many cases, it can be very relative.

    I know of a one-person shop running SMG.

    In the small to large scale, email and its necessary parts, typically come well before big shop things like centralized log management, SIEM, SOAR, and all that fun stuff.   Also in some shops where such things do exist, the email admins aren't allowed access to those advanced tools, therefor the basic parts still have reasons to be fixed up even in larger shops.


    Andy of in Toronto
    Please use the "Like" and/or "Verified Answers" as appropriate as that helps us all.

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    Andy Konecny said:
    Now that I've found them in /vastorage/smg/services/logs/

    I find it easier to view/download the logs from there using WinSCP.

    And I have found an even easier way to download all the SMG logs:

    Do it from the 9443 interface.Slight smile

    When I click on Download on the SMG row I get all the logs in the various subfolders under the link you provided in one .zip file. 

    Very convenient!

    Kevin Boyle, SuperUser

    Calgary, Alberta, Canada