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SMG Server Quarantine forward and release are not working properly.


SMG Server Quarantine forward and release are not working properly.

 When checking logs i can see the error.

[139845990979328] 2023-05-03 09:50:19 (DBCB) DB notification: forwardmessage
[139845737375488] 2023-05-03 09:50:22 System failure allocating template file
[139845737375488] 2023-05-03 09:50:22 (CQMS) Unable to find forward as attachment template in the preferred language for this organizational unit: 1

  • 0

    As your case has been closed and you have said that it is now worked, we are going to consider this thread closed as well.

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    Maybe we have to add that one of his templates were broken.

    Whenever you want to adjust a language template, do not replace the original one. Create a new entry and rename it i.e. to "MyEnglish" if you want to use your own words and/or colors.

    However templates were not broken because of adjustment in this case.

    Use "Verified Answers" if your problem/issue has been solved!