• Groupwise client calls for proxy authentification at every start

    Groupwise 2023.4 Hello, every time GW-client ist started it shows a dialog box for to authenticate to our internet proxy: There is no need for authentication. I can insert anything I want, after "Ok" I can use GW-client in normal way. Our…
  • GroupWise Address Book Not Present in Profile Leaves Error about Notify Property Page For Client in GW8.0

    Hello: I have set up a test user and loaded up the GW8 client on an example workstation. Since I also have an exchange 2003 server in my environment, the user has both an exchange and GW mailbox for testing. Today as I was taking screenshots to…
  • Add Proxy Inbox to Home

    Hello, I would like to add at least one, but possibly three proxied inboxes to my home screen. This works well with the Multi-User calendar, so now I just want the inboxes. Is this possible?
  • Messenger behind reverse proxy? Ports to open in Firewall?

    Maybe I didn't read the right documentation pages ☹️ My questions Is it right, that the client communication is running via port 8300? And this has to be open to the world? With this in mind it doesn't seam possible to run the Messenger behind…
  • Access to proxy user on iPad with Webaccess

    We now have GW2014SP1, and when we use an iPad to access Webmail (webaccess). There is no functionality to change to another user (proxy account). Does anyone now if this will function/work on GW2014SP2 ? Kind regards, HKO
  • GW2014R2 proxy access crash

    Hi all, On one of user accounts on, when accessing his mailbox using proxy GW client crashes info gwxplt1.dll error. Checked that proxy access to other accounts works without problem, also checked that from other account switching via proxy to this account…
  • Get active proxy account from GW Client

    In my GroupWise Client I have the main account and several proxy accounts. In my program I need to send a mail from the account that is active now in GW Client (main or proxy account). I have found out that I can get all my proxy accounts from Application…
  • Not responding / crash while using proxy calendar

    Hi On one station the GroupWise Client crashes often while using proxy calendars. The user opens a calender trough proxy access and klick on somme entries (days). The error is not reproducable - restarting the client and do the same klicks won't crash…
  • Proxy access displays wrong number of items in mailbox

    When proxying a user the mailbox seems to be empty although it should contain about 180 items. Removed all proxy rights before running a local gwcheck (Analyze / Fix DB) with the 'proxyminreset' option in the MISC tab twice. Another gwcheck ran on the…
  • EA10 Missing session string - Proxying into another account

    Hi there. We are getting this error on Webacess 2012 SP2 when proxying into another account. Here are the versions of agents: novell-groupwise-webaccess-12.0.2-108211 novell-groupwise-gwha-12.0.2-108211 novell-groupwise-gwdva-12.0.2-108211 novell-groupwise…
  • Access to cabinet folder contents via Proxy

    Hi there, We have a combined mailbox which I and my colleagues have full proxy access to, but for some reason I can't see any messages in the cabinet folders whereas my colleagues can. I can see the messages when using web access but not on GW client…
  • Can't Remove some users from proxy list

    There are 3 users who keep being added to my proxy list, and when i go to remove the from from file -> proxy, i select their names and click remove. They are removed from the box and then i hit ok. But when i go back to my proxy list they are still there…
  • Proxy list report

    I am needing to generate a list of all accounts and the proxy access granted from each one. I have found proxy.pl however, when I run GWCheck from C1 setting it to user databases only and verbose logging the PO is tanking. Any other options out there…
  • D113 in Logs When Proxying in WebAccess

    I have a user that has found an oddity that began when we upgraded to GroupWise 2012 SP1 (went from 8.0.2 HP2 to 2012.1). She has a resource that owns a lot of shared folders and needs to use GroupWise WebAccess to access the archived e-mails from these…
  • Proxy problem, empty folders

    Hi Forum, we set up up proxy access for two account's (User A and User B) to another (User C). They have different rights, but both have all "read" checkboxes checked. The difference is, that User A sees only folders and no mails, appointments etc. For…
  • Appointments beyond 30 days missing on proxied calendar

    We have two administrative assistants with proxy access to various managers' and directors' calendars. After upgrading to GW 8.0.2 over a year ago, they have periodically encountered a problem whereby the proxied calendar shows appointments only up to…
  • Proxy access showing appointments only 30 days ahead

    We have one user who has full proxy access to all of the senior staffs' calendars (about 20 total). Since updating to the 8.0.2 hp2 client two months ago, she has started having problems when viewing some staffs' calendars: she can only see appointments…
  • Setting up a conference room as a resource

    Are there step by step instructions anywhere that can walk me through setting up our conference room as a resource so that we may use GroupWise to keep tracking of it's availability. We have just moved to GroupWise 8. I have created a resource that I…
  • RSS and proxy auth

    Hi Forum, i just set up a rss folder in my client and added one feed like described in the documentation for FF. But it stays empty. In the squid logs i saw my ip address which was blocked (TCP_DENIED/407) while fetching the feed because the auth data…
  • Multi-User Calendar Doesn't Print

    We've had this issue since GroupWise 7 was originally rolled out and were really hoping that upgrading to 8 would fix it for us. Here are the details: - POA/MTA/Client all on GW 8.0.1 HP1 - User is currently in Caching mode, but in the past we have experienced…
  • Scripting Groupwise Administration

    Hi, I'm new to these forums and have a couple of questions regarding scripting and groupwise I've had a look around and can't find any communities where this seems to be done to any extent (Excepting people writing apps) I'm looking to perform the following…
  • Getting Appointment through a proxy user

    Hi all. I have a question about a special function: Is it possible to get user appointments over SOAP? My plan is to attach a Proxy user to all users I want to get the appointment information. I know that there is another possibilty with a trusted app…
  • Editing Tasks, Notes, Appts, as Proxy

    Even though I have full read and write Proxy rights to another GroupWise account, GW 8.0.1 WebAccess does not allow me to edit existing Tasks, Notes, or Appointments in the proxied account. When I open an item to edit it, I am only given read access.…
  • Can't press enter to proxy into another mailbox

    We rely on the proxy function heavily. Previously in the 6.x and 7.x clients, if you wanted to proxy into another mailbox, you could click File, Proxy, type in some letters of the account you want to proxy into, let it autofill and then press Enter. Now…
  • proxy and webaccess gw8hp2

    I have a user having multiple reproduceable problem on multiple browsers (IE8 with compatibility turned on, FF35, FF306, FF312) where they can see content of their own calendar via webaccess (gw8hp2 on nw65sp8. this is fallout from recent upgrade from…