• Is there a way to pull messenger users from Groupwise?

    Trying to export Messenger user accounts from the GW admin console but can't seem to do it like the way you can export Groupwise Users from the console. Is there a way to do this? GroupWise backend- GW 18.4.1 Build 140419 OES 2018 Messenger GroupWise…
  • GroupWise Messenger and latest Android versions

    Hi, Is there a newest version of the GroupWise Messenger App for Android? We are in version 18.4.2, but tring to install the App in our Android devices, we see: This app is not available on your device because it was built for an older version of Android…
  • GroupWise Admin console, and click on the Messenger object, I get a PKIX certificate error

    With GroupWise 18.4.2, the error that appears in the Admin console is: Error communicating with resource (https://<messenger_fqdn>:8315/hosts?Preload=100&Limit=5000&IDsOnly=true): javax.net.ssl.SSLHandshakeException: PKIX path building failed: sun…
  • Groupwise Messenger Migration to new server

    Currently running GroupWise 18.1.1 on SLES 12 SP3 for GW messenger. Would like to to install a new server with Sles 15 and install GW messenger 18.3.1 - but is there a migration process for this? I can't seem to find anything on how to migrate messenger…
  • Novell Messenger History

    Hi, My job currently uses Novell Messenger for most of its user's version 3.0.3 and I had a few issues I was hoping someone on here might be able to help with. In my history tab under options, there are two settings that seem to be causing me issues…
  • Groupwise 2018 messenger server uninstall

    Hello, how can I uninstall the GW Messenger server components from my OES2018 server? The documentation only describes, how to instll the software... Holger
  • GroupWise Messenger mobile app iOS/Android doesn't stay open once switching to another app or when closed

    Hello, While I'm on a roll here, we are running GroupWise Messenger 18.3.1. When downloading the GroupWise Messenger client for either iOS or Android, I am able to login to the application fine on both mobile devices. When I close the app (not logging…
  • Messenger user cannot login after eDirectory user has been moved

    Hello Community Members, there is a GW system 18.2.1 with Messenger 18.2.1 where the Messenger users cannot log in after the eDirectory account has been moved. I can fix this manually, (disassociate, reassociate) but I hope that there is an automated…
  • What does and doesn't work with wildcard certificates

    It is time for us to renew the GoDaddy wildcard certificate that we have used in the past for our Web site and the GW mobility server. I would like to use this wildcard certificate for multiple servers and processes (so we don't get the untrusted SSL…
  • GroupWise Messenger - Send a Message sometimes opens Send a File

    We've got a weird bug that's annoying lots of users here. If I click "Send a Message", then "Find User", type in a user, click next and then double-click the user to open up a Conversation dialog, quite often the "Send a File" dialog also opens. Similarly…
  • GWPNS to only accept connections using TLS1.2 or above

    https://support.microfocus.com/kb/doc.php?id=7024762 On August 10th, Micro Focus is planning on moving GWPNS to only accept connections using TLS1.2 or above. This will affect customers using Messenger 3.x iOS clients connected to a 3.x backend…
  • Messenger file transfer not possible

    Installed 18.2.1 Messenger and enabled File transfer in ACL. When trying to send something it fails and in log is this : Request (Upload File) [0x8210]: 23774923 - Path create failed Anyone faced this problem ?
  • Primary domain moved - How to update Messenger, Calpub and Mobility?

    Hello We have moved our Primary and Secondary domains to a new server with new IP/new DNS. All remote groupwise servers have had the new certs updated as well as their respective POA/MTA/GWIA certs. The only thing I'm uncertain is how to bring these updates…
  • Messenger: How do a unattended install at W10? (Without Administrator rights)

    Updated GW and Messenger to 18.2.1 Messenger offers new client, Ok. But the User is not able to install because he has no admin rights at the !@#$%@#%^ Windows box ... How did you solve this?
  • Groupwise Messenger File transfer

    Hello, now we installed GroupWise Messenger to test, and then sent to all users. For now all worke fine, but we can´t send files. On the dokumentations, I found that there is an Policy-Option to that, but we dont had these option. And in the Client there…
  • Messenger 18.2.1 path for filestore

    I´m curious how to set this path, can´t find it in GroupWise admin web interface / strtup.ma config file In Messenger Messaging Agent is in log file this CFG CFG File Transfer Path: /somepath/messenger/ma/filestore David
  • Messenger user mass import

    We have GroupWise with 2000 users and freshly installed Messenger ( 18.1 ). Currently trying to import users into Messenger with tool ldapimport and getting error Missing LDAP object attributes! . Import tool is pointing to LDAP source imported from GroupWise…
  • Messenger Status switch automatically to offline even though online

    Hey Guys, i've got an strange issue at my Messenger - after a time (time is different - between 5 to 30 minutes, or after windows switch in the lock screen) my user appears for other users as offline although i'm actually online. My status in Messenger…
  • How to restart GW Messenger from GUI

    We are new to GW Messenger 2018. I thought we would be able to make changes to profiles and that those changes would be put into effect when we saved the changes. Specifically we set up a contact list with folders in the default profile then locked down…
  • Messenger iPhone app doesn't show status when not in foreground

    We have upgraded to a GroupWise 2018 SP2 system with GW Messenger 2018 SP2. We then installed the messenger app on an iPhone. It appears that the app will only work when it is in the foreground. So if you don't have the Messenger app open on the iPhone…
  • Best way to upgrade to GW 18 from GW 14

    We currently have a GW 14.2.2 system all running on a single SLES 11 SP4 / OES2015 SP1 VM server. The techs that did the porting from a NetWare environment back in 2014 left the PO and MTA data structures on an NSS volume but the agents are running as…
  • Silently uninstalling Messenger 3.0 client (or upgrading to 18.2)?

    Hi. I'm trying to upgrade our workstation from Messenger 3.0.3 to 18.2 (on a different server) using Zenworks silent, but so far I'm unsuccesful (shouldn't this be really basic?) I've configured 18.2 succesfully to run totally silent on a machine where…
  • Sending a Groupwise Messenger message from the linux command line

    Is it possible to send a Groupwise Messenger message from the linux command line to selected users (automated from a script), either from the server where the messenger agent is running or from a different server?
  • GW Messenger 18.1.1 Archive Expire

    Hi all, Just attempting to migrate our old Messenger 3.x system to a new 18.1.1 built on SLES15SP1. Have got as far a migrating the archive data across (which is running after a few false starts as the archive server hadn't been defined in the messenger…
  • Images and file transfer in messenger 18.2

    One of the ideas put forward and supposedly included in the 18.2 version is the transfer of images and files. I want to know how those are displayed, especially images? Are the images attached shown "in-line" or as recipient has to download to view?