Issues with mailbox management after 24.4 update

We noticed every since the 24.4 update both administrators we assigned "Mailbox Management" rights to can't create rules or otherwise manage a users mailbox.  It has worked for some time but only seems to be isolated to the update from 24.3 to 24.4.  Any suggestions?

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    Can you provide some more details as build number, errors you see etc as a basic test shows im able to do all in MM as an admin with 24.4. 

    Also are all parts in MM showing this or only some parts cant be done, next to this is this related to users on a certain PO or the same for all users on all PO's

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    Our full version number is Build date 10/23/24.  There are no errors.  When we for example try to set a rule on someone's mailbox, once we click save, it looks like we never even set a rule.  Same for anything else.  The moment you click save on whatever option you are managing it brings you back but shows like it never implemented the change.  This is the case for all users (tried 10 random users for testing all the same).  Worked 2 weeks ago before this update.

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    You need to troublehoot this from the logs to see what happens.

    Follow this TID for setting aditional log info 

    When you do the same action and nothing happens is there any error in the gwadmin-service.log as there you should see at least the process of how MM works with the gwadminservice and SOAP to the POA that holds the user

    1) the call from gwadmin for creating the rule ( POST )

    2025-02-04 16:17:36 FilterChainProxy [DEBUG] Securing POST /domains/MainDom/postoffices/MainPO/users/paul/rules
    2025-02-04 16:17:36 SecurityContextPersistenceFilter [DEBUG] Set SecurityContextHolder to empty SecurityContext
    2025-02-04 16:17:36 FilterSecurityInterceptor [DEBUG] Authorized filter invocation [POST /domains/MainDom/postoffices/MainPO/users/paul/rules] with attributes [hasRole('ROLE_ADMIN')]
    2025-02-04 16:17:36 FilterChainProxy [DEBUG] Secured POST /domains/MainDom/postoffices/MainPO/users/paul/rules
    2025-02-04 16:17:36 UsersApi [DEBUG] Rule create request received for user paul.MainPO.MainDom
    2025-02-04 16:17:36 GroupWiseClient [DEBUG] Creating rule for USER.MainDom.MainPO.paul

    2) Login to the users PO to create the rule in the user DB

    2025-02-04 16:17:36 GroupWiseClient [DEBUG] GroupWise SOAP Login request: User: paul URI: Version: 1.09
    2025-02-04 16:17:37 SecurityContextPersistenceFilter [DEBUG] Cleared SecurityContextHolder to complete request

    3) Then getting the updated rule list from the user ( GET )

    2025-02-04 16:17:37 FilterChainProxy [DEBUG] Securing GET /domains/MainDom/postoffices/MainPO/users/paul/rules
    2025-02-04 16:17:37 SecurityContextPersistenceFilter [DEBUG] Set SecurityContextHolder to empty SecurityContext
    2025-02-04 16:17:37 FilterSecurityInterceptor [DEBUG] Authorized filter invocation [GET /domains/MainDom/postoffices/MainPO/users/paul/rules] with attributes [hasRole('ROLE_ADMIN')]
    2025-02-04 16:17:37 FilterChainProxy [DEBUG] Secured GET /domains/MainDom/postoffices/MainPO/users/paul/rules

    4) Login to the users PO to get this

    2025-02-04 16:17:37 GroupWiseClient [DEBUG] GroupWise SOAP Login request: User: paul URI: Version: 1.09

    I would assume anywhere in that part there is an error or a pointer to what the issue might be

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    I am on Version:, Build Date:Nov 27, 2024.

    It is working in my system. However, as far as I can see a new rule cannot be moved to a wished position (similar to rules in gwweb).

    I assume you have already checked your license, haven't you?

    Use "Verified Answers" if your problem/issue has been solved!

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    btw we have a separate GWMM corner ...

    And here is my idea for moving rules:

    Use "Verified Answers" if your problem/issue has been solved!

  • Suggested Answer

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    In addition I do see the issue when I do not fill in any action, if all other fields have been checked or have data but there is not an action defined it will not save the rule... maybe this is what you see as this for example will not be saved as the action is missing

    If this is not the case the above troubleshooting might show the problem in the logs

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    So update - I set the GW admin logs to debug per the TID but can't see anything glaring in the log  However...this seems to be isolated to one user.  If i create the same exact rule (right down to every option) and forward emails to the same user I was trying to forward to, it works.  Tried on 6 users.  However if I try on one particular and do a forwarding rule to the recipient it needs to go doesn't save.  HOWEVER...if we set it so it forwards to ME then the rule works.

    So to recap.. 

    User A needs forward rule to User B  When i save, nothing happens and doesn't save
    I Take User C and forward to User B and it works successfully.
    I take user D and forward to user B and it works successfully
    I take user A and forward to myself, and it works.

    Extremely odd.  But again seems to be isolated to user A

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    Try a structural rebuild for user A ...

    Use "Verified Answers" if your problem/issue has been solved!

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    I assume that user A has a broken rule. Maybe there is a hint in your poa log ...

    Use "Verified Answers" if your problem/issue has been solved!

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    Set the SOAP options in the POA HTTP interface to get more SOAP info

    This will add more info in the POA logs (.soa and .xml ) when doing things for the problem user

    Also if needed open a case to have all the logs, the above and the gwadminservice looked at to see if anything can be found