Possible to have a specific gwia for one postoffice in a domain?


I need to route mails from one sender domain to a specific smtp relay, but that does not work with route.cfg file since my understanding is that it only work with destination domain names.

I have 2 post office in a single groupwise domain and would like to use 1 gwia per domain, is that possible?

So when sending external mail from poa1 it would go to gwia1 that is using remote relay1

and external mail from poa2 would go to gwia 2 that is using a other remote relay.

If that is possible to solve in some other way with single gwia I'm al for that.



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    I think we are missing pieces of this puzzle, with it not being totally clear of the domains involved.

    So the one GroupWise domain servicing how many internet domains for the users within this domain?

    an external sender sending email from their internet domain to an internet domain this GroupWise system will be totally geared by the MX of this internet domain of the GroupWise system.   Where is the relay needed?


    Andy of KonecnyConsulting.ca in Toronto
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    I am not sure if I understand your request (similar to Andy).

    But  post offices (=poas) cannot decide which gwia should be used. Only domains are able to do this. Therefore you need a domain A plus post office A and a domain B plus post office B. Now you can define that A has to use gwia1 and B gwia2.

    If you next question is if there is an option to move a post office to a newly created domain, that is simple. No! You can only move users.

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    thanks a lot for your reply, it's 2 different post offices in the same GW doamin using different email domain names eg  users in poa1 is using domain1.com and users in poa2 uses domain2.com. Outgoing mail from the poas needs to go to different smarthost  for various reasons.

    But based on your replies I figure that doesn't work in Groupwise.

    I can probably make Postfix do the mail routing based on sender domain name.



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    As the GWIA is set on the domain by default this means all PO's in that domain are going to this GWIA so when you want to have PO1 in DOM1 go to GWIA1 and PO2 in DOM1 to GWIA2 this is only possible if you ( as user ) define the GWIA in the TO: field sending the mail

    With more then one GWIA in the system the TO: can be DOM1.GWIA2:user@external.com

    This needs to be done by the user so there is room for error, the other option is as Diethmer points out as well to have a second domain and create a PO in there and move the users of the PO that need to use another GWIA to this new PO.

    No other options in GW as far as I can see

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    Hello Rob,

    Thanks, will try Postfix


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    If you use SMG in front of GroupWise, you can arrange your request I assume.

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