MS Teams and Groupwise dual delivery


We currently have Teams integrated with Groupwise and everything works fine, but users are complaining because Teams meetings/calendar entries are not visible in Teams (Teams calendar actually shows Exchange online mailbox calendar)

Microsoft has released document how to do that with third-party email provider (they have example with Google Workspace), but for that to work they require what they call "dual delivery" in 3rd party email system (in our case Groupwise).

This means that every inbound email received on Groupwise, regardless whether it comes from outside or from inside (from user on the same PO) needs to be also forwarded to specific smart host on Microsoft 365 (<tenant>

For google Workspace, steps are described here, but I am wondering if this is also possible with Groupwise.

I assume this would be possible with SMG for emails received from internet, but is there a way to achieve this for "internal" messages? Any setting on POA? Maybe some other "magic" to get similar result?

Kind regards,


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    - It would only need to be for Calendar entries.

    - I think it could be done for rules within each GroupWise account to do it.

    Glad Microsoft fixed their issue of only delivering to their own system with adding that ability to deliver out to a third party.  Too late for one of my clients, but nice to see.


    Andy of in Toronto
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    I think it could be done for rules within each GroupWise account to do it.

    I was thinking about rules, but since same domain is registered both on Groupwise and Office 365 this will not work.

    Note, delivery to Office 365 is not done by querying MX record, but by specifying statical host in Google Workspace.

    What should happen:

    When there is inbound message on PO (regardless if this is external or internal), POA should do:

    • deliver message to user's mailbox AND
    • send copy to preconfigured smart host (e.g.

    Kind regards,


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    Maybe some weird logic but what if you make a forward rule on each user to, as this is not known in the system it gets forwarded to the GWIA. On this one you can have the FUT switch that gets the message to the place you need it (

    There it might be possible based on certain checks on the messages (also rules?) to split this out to the actual mailbox again. If not maybe create forward rules for each user that it is sending to like as this also gets to the GWIA and the FUT is then used, this then maybe can be mapped 1:1 to the user at 

    Maybe even have a small postfix/smg server and point the FUT to this that maps/changes the address again and forward all to instead of doing MX lookups.

    As I dont see any way an internal mail to a known user in GW is going out to the GWIA the above, even when its tricking the system and unknown if it later can be split up again, the only technical way it could work