GWWEB 24.4 - host not found in upstream "pool_dva"

Sorry for posting this. Seems like several post addressing the issue, but when I select a post there is no answer, just a snippet of an answer cutting off any solution. Running 24.4. Was running fine but some SLES 15.6 update destroyed whatever was working.

Anyhow, gwweb will not run.  [emerg] 7#7: host not found in upstream "pool_dva" in /etc/nginx/nginx.conf:102

no idea how to fix. Apparently adding something to the docker run command will fix, but I cannot see an answer. No idea what to add, where to add, syntax, etc.

Also, what is a good version to call besides "latest"? If I pull "latest" it always injects a problem.

Sorry. Wish I could see prior answers.

  • Verified Answer


    If you stop docker containers and run a "docker system prune -a", then all existing containers will be deleted. After this you can be sure that :latest will be pulled and installed ...

    I suggest to run a web-config then web:latest will use the right config files. The new created config files will contain all your poa, dva and web configuration. I had to delete some entries because of similar entries. In my environment some poa and dva settings will be listed from a foreign system. I have to do after each web-config ..

    Use "Verified Answers" if your problem/issue has been solved!

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    I'll be dipped. Thanks Diethmar. It worked!!!!!