can not delete secondary

I have a groupwise server primary domain on SLES 15 SP5 groupwise 24.2 that can not be updates for some reason and goes out of space.

so I installed a ne SLES installed groupwise and the a secondary domain with gwia and tried to install a post office.

I would move the users to the the new PO, then chance primary with secondary, delete the old now empty primary and can delete the server.

Did this sometimes with success.

Now  the problem, the creation of the post fails tried again fails again, but the directory structure was created.

So let's delete the new domain and then the groupwise on the new server and start a new installation.

But it does not let delete the domain grom the GUI, but it seam it has deleted the domain directory, its lost. I hoped the gwadminutil can help, but do not fin aa delete option.

Please help



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    I tried this before posting here, but no success. I think you mean

    "Type gwadminutil rebuild -n <name of domain to be deleted> -d <path to primary domain> -o <temp path for rebuilt db>"

    I assume that should be done on the primary domain server. I am not shure with the   -o <temp path for rebuilt db>, meaning, can I use every path on that server i.e /root/temp