GroupWise upgrade, 18.4 to 24.x and move to new server VM. Does this sound OK?

So GW 2018.4 running on OES 2018.1 (Sles 12.3). Since the underlying server has been upgraded so many times, I would like to start with a fresh foundation. This kis a small system for a handful users.

The GW system is on a separate "disk" in the VM, so I thought I would do this:

1. Do alll the preliminary stuff., top-down rebuild, certificate checks etc.

2. Shut down agents and copy all GW files to an USB drive, copy or DBCopy

3. Shut down VM, back up the complete VM

4. Remove DS from the GW server

5. Clean up DS, removing all objects belonging to to the old server

6. Install a fresh 2024.x OES server with same name and IP

7. Attach the GW disk.

8. Install the GW agents

Have I missed anything? I remember when doing the 2018 upgrade that there was something quite inintuitive about installing the GW agents, but cannot remember what.

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    So, to close the loop... System is now upgraded. This is what I did:

    1. Bacupped the entire GW folder, with agents stopped

    2. Backupped the entire VM when it was down

    3. Server had just a rw replica so ndsconfig -rm

    4. Clean up DS with JXplorer, removing all server objects

    5. 15. Install OES 2024, OES Edirectory role, iPrint, NCP, NSS, default settings (here I had problems see below)

    6. Reboot, enroll MOK

    7. Zypper up

    8. copied over the relevant volumes from old server and added them

    9. Here I ran into problems, namcd was not running, neither nss2ncp, there was not even a nam.conf. This was possibly caused by it having problems with the commonproxy.

    10. Found this gem:  Common Proxy Repair Script for OES 

    11. Ran it and it fixed and had me reconfigure NDS, NSS etc, on fact remove NDS and reinstall. This was all instructed by the script above.

    12. tar –xvzf gw24.4_full_linux_multi.tar.gz

    13. ./, ran end then waited half an eternity on "Starting grpwise.service using systemctl in the background" 

    14. Proceeded with the install, adding domain and PO.

    15. Tested that all worked

    16. Installed GWWEB following:

    17. Oh yes, needed to stop Apache from lisening on all addresses