GroupWise upgrade, 18.4 to 24.x and move to new server VM. Does this sound OK?

So GW 2018.4 running on OES 2018.1 (Sles 12.3). Since the underlying server has been upgraded so many times, I would like to start with a fresh foundation. This kis a small system for a handful users.

The GW system is on a separate "disk" in the VM, so I thought I would do this:

1. Do alll the preliminary stuff., top-down rebuild, certificate checks etc.

2. Shut down agents and copy all GW files to an USB drive, copy or DBCopy

3. Shut down VM, back up the complete VM

4. Remove DS from the GW server

5. Clean up DS, removing all objects belonging to to the old server

6. Install a fresh 2024.x OES server with same name and IP

7. Attach the GW disk.

8. Install the GW agents

Have I missed anything? I remember when doing the 2018 upgrade that there was something quite inintuitive about installing the GW agents, but cannot remember what.

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    I suggest to copy certificates too. Then it will be less work!


    However you can start before. Create a new sles with temporary ip. Copy all the stuff you want (I prefer rsync). Clean up the original server from DS. Stop GW there, do a final rsync. Change ip addresses on both servers ... and so on.

    Use "Verified Answers" if your problem/issue has been solved!

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    OK. Noted, but it is not that big a deal to do it all during a weekend. Also note that I run the GW database on NSS, not plain Sles. I'd like to keep it on NSS, unless there is a compelling reason not to.

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    There is another trick that can be used if only GroupWise has been installed on the source OES and OES does not offer any other services.

    Stop GroupWise, than ndsconfig rm on Souce Server . Clean Source Server Objects in NDS. Install the new OES server same name, same ip as usual in the eDir with the necessary services  Install GroupWise, do not make any configuration. Copy the source NSS vmdk form Source Server into Target OES Server VMWare Dir.

    Integrate the copied VMDK in the target OES (Attention, this only works in the VCenter Client or in the VM Browser depending on the vmware version). Use NSSMU to search for NSS volumes and integrate them into the target machine. Adjust the rights for NSS GroupWise and configure / Upgrade  GroupWise.

    Just done at the weekend because a GroupWise and SLES SP5 --> SP6 update caused Java errors. It was just a plain SLES. By the way, I can advise you to go from OES to plain SLES, there is less stress


    “You can't teach a person anything, you can only help them to discover it within themselves.” Galileo Galilei

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    Unfortunately does this server also host other stuff. So I will start by bringing the server up to 2024, then move over GW files (2018), then upgrade

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    At this point, the question of migrating GroupWise from OES to SLES really arises. Of course, an additional IP can be run on the OES for GroupWise to avoid port collisions between UMC and GWWeb and agents. From the experience of past migrations from OES versions to newer ones, the separation is really the better way. I have also moved some systems here. A very safe way for the move is actually to set up a SLES next to the OES and set up a secondary domain on the SLES, move the users and then move them piece by piece for the GWIA, agents, then later swap the secondary domain with the primary domain and then dismantle the secondary domain on OES. Before that, recreate and distribute all the certificates for GroupWise after the domain switch.
     The advantage is that almost everything goes online. There are also hints in the forum on how to move users or POs with dbcopy. Please be careful, SUES will move the repos in the next few days, so it can rumble a bit.


    “You can't teach a person anything, you can only help them to discover it within themselves.” Galileo Galilei