GroupWise Address Book Not Present in Profile Leaves Error about Notify Property Page For Client in GW8.0


I have set up a test user and loaded up the GW8 client on an example workstation.  Since I also have an exchange 2003 server in my environment, the user has both an exchange and GW mailbox for testing.

Today as I was taking screenshots to help me write up a document, I found I get this lovely error

Screen 01: Client Error when hitting up Tools > Options > Security which has a title bar of "Address Book Error" and a message text of "Your Windows Messaging System (WMS) profile does not contain a version of the Novell Personal or System Address Book service provider that supports address selection.  The address selection page for Notify cannot be run."

After clicking OK twice (the same message appears twice in a row once for the Notify tab and once for the Proxy tab), the below properties box comes up

Screen 02: Security Properties with no Notify tab

I decided to go into the Mail control panel and call it a liar, here's what I see

Screen 03: Mail control panel applet showing two profiles one for the Outlook side of the house and the other for the GroupWise side of the house.

Upon inspecting the properties of that GroupWise profile under the Address Books page, both the Novell Personal Address Book and the Novell GroupWise Address Book exist as evidenced below

Screen 04: That error message is a liar if ever I've seen one as both the personal and system address books are indeed there. 

As we can see from the above screenshots, the right address books are there so what gives?  I've tried to remove the outlook profile for the laughter of it and no dice :-(.  I even tried completely getting rid of both profiles and starting over with still no luck.   One thing says to upgrade the "exchange CDO" components but that won't install side-by-side with Outlook 2007 which is a standard part of the environment.  so the question then becomes what am I missing here?

*** UPDATE 2024.06.09: ***

The plot thickens... I was able to get the tabs to display without incident on the Windows XP client machine after removing Outlook 2007 removing the "Windows NT Messaging" entry from add or remove programs control panel.  Then I reinstalled this "Windows NT Messaging" and then repaired GroupWise client, reinstalled the "Windows NT Messaging" (\Client\Win32\wms\), and finally repaired the client again.  After that I cleared all the profiles from the "Mail" control panel GroupWise didn't complain this time thus at least on this XP install, it's solved by ripping out Outlook 2007 which is not optimal given that another tool in use with this environment relies on Outlook (minimum 2007)).  Things make me scratch my head because when I login to Windows Server 2003 R2 remote desktop, the tabs display, outlook 2007 installed, nothing complains and everything lives happily ever after as evidenced

Screen 05: Windows Server 2003 R2 with the security properties showing correctly (top left), outlook 2007 (lower left), control panel (center), and system properties (upper right)

The curious thing about this is that on the XP machine, is an icon for "Microsoft Mail Post Office" that gets added to the control panel in addition to the "mail" icon (see below).  In windows Server 2003 R2, there is no such Microsoft Mail Post Office icon.

XP control panel showing Mail and Microsoft Mail Post Office icons

Screen 06: Windows XP Control Panel showing the usual "Mail" and an additional "Microsoft Mail Post Office" icon.

The only thing that would be different in the problem configuration, is that the "mail" icon would be the one installed by Outlook 2007.  I do not remember if I had ever seen this before when setting up the server 2003 R2, but if I had, I don't remember what I did to fix it.

if anyone's got any suggestions on how to resolve this that'd be wonderful and thanks in advance for the help

sorry for the edit, I wanted to ensure that I am giving as much information as I have as I find more about this.


Carly G. Fleischmann


Disclaimers: I am often responding from mobile and so I apologize for the bad formatting and any auto-correct mistakes that might happen. 2) I have a team of advocates, assistants, and advisors who assist me in writing, responding to, and managing posts and community engagement; such advocates, assistants and/or advisors will clearly identify themself along with their role. Any opinions expressed by my team are the opinions of that individual and do not necessarily represent my opinions or those of my support team unless otherwise noted.

  • Suggested Answer


    *** UPDATE 2024.06.10 @ 07:05 A.M. -- Possible Solution For Future Reference ***

    After reinstalling outlook on the example workstation and doing a repair of the GW 8 client, I created a test user (jmmovez) and gave her both an exchange and GW box like I would any other user and did some testing.  My testing thus far revealed a very specific order of operations that looks to be repeatable.  I took the following actions in this exact order:

    Note: failure to take these steps in the exact order listed below will more likely than not result in a broken GW 8 security dialog with missing tabs.  as such, please take these steps exactly as outlined below.  text that can be changed will be in Bold Courier New font, names of windows, buttons, or other controls will be in bold, and text to be entered exactly or not changed will be in Courier New font (no bold).

    1.  On first login to Novell and Windows AD, sign in to the GW client (Notify should be one of the first things to launch at startup so sign in there), and load the GW client up if even for just a few seconds then close out of it and Notify.  The purpose of this is to allow GW and the Windows Messaging System (WMS) it initialize first before Exchange and Outlook can initialize.

    2.  Hit up Control Panel > Mail and notice there are no profiles yet, click Add and create one called Novell GroupWise

    3.  When the wizard comes up, it's going to try and do the exchange profile first, check the box at the bottom of the screen for a manual setup and choose Next

    4.  On the type of account screen choose "Other" then "Novell GroupWise" and click Next

    5.  It should pickup the GW settings as ngwnameserver on port 1677 and the account name being the same as the eDirectory name.  Click Check Names and if everything gets a cool-looking underline beneath it, click Next.  CAUTION: Check to see if the account name shows your name as listed in eDirectory and that it is spelled correctly including hyphenated last names.  If it is, go to step 6, if it's wrong contact the I.T. help desk.

    6.  At the congratulations screen, click Finish

    7.  At the Mail control panel, select Novell GroupWise then Properties.

    8.  At the Mail Setup - Novell GroupWise dialog under E-mail Accounts, choose the E-mail Accounts button.

    9.  At the Account Settings dialog, choose the Address Books tab then choose Add.

    10.  In the wizard that appears, choose the Additional Address Books option then Next.

    11.  On the address book type screen, choose "Novell Personal Address Book" then Next.

    12.  You'll get a message saying that the new account will not take effect until you quit and re-open Outlook, choose OK and then Finish.

    13.  Repeat steps 10-12 to add the Novell GroupWise Address Book and then close the Account Settings dialog and the Mail Setup dialog.

    14.  At the Mail control panel, choose Add and give the Exchange profile a name like "Exchange (Outlook)" and click OK.

    15.  Track through the wizard letting the auto-configuration do its thing and when it's done, click Finish.

    16.  At the Mail control panel choose the option labeled "Prompt for a profile" under the "When starting Microsoft Office Outlook, Use This Profile" section

    17.  Click OK.

    18.  Launch GroupWise and choose Tools > Options > Security and notice how there is no error and both the Notify and Proxy Access tabs actually show up.

    19. (Mandatory (Outlook)): When you run outlook, there will be a dialog that comes up asking which profile to use, be sure to always use the one you created for Exchange (called "Exchange (Outlook)" in these steps) and choose OK.  This is required else Outlook will try to write to your GroupWise account and that's not the objective.

    As of the time of this writing that seems to be the solution, but if anyone else has a better solution that is faster and doesn't need as precise an order of operations that can lead to end-user error, I'll take it.  I'll put this as a suggested answer and give it a few days to see if anyone else can chime in with something better then if no one can come up with a better solution, I'll mark it as the answer.


    Carly G. Fleischmann


    Disclaimers: I am often responding from mobile and so I apologize for the bad formatting and any auto-correct mistakes that might happen. 2) I have a team of advocates, assistants, and advisors who assist me in writing, responding to, and managing posts and community engagement; such advocates, assistants and/or advisors will clearly identify themself along with their role. Any opinions expressed by my team are the opinions of that individual and do not necessarily represent my opinions or those of my support team unless otherwise noted.

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    It is sad to mention that it will not help for future references because GroupWise clients have changed their behavior. Address book activities have been rewritten completely and do not relay on mapi ...

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    it might not work for “future” clients that don’t rely on MAPI for address book related activities; but it will work for future reference if anyone goes searching up that error in relation to  clients that do rely on MAPI.  The number of people this will be relevant to  is shrinking by the day (unless you’re me looking for how to fix it at some point in the future  (after a  rebuild of the environment due to a bad configuration) or someone who is either 1) picking up after someone else left  an org that still uses a MAPI-GW System thus taking the Knowledge with them, 2) who is curious of older technologies, or 3) has some other oddly-specific reason for running this level of “ancient” “cursed” software.)

    I wonder what the last version of GW was to run under eDir  8.8 and server 2003?


    Carly G. Fleischmann


    Disclaimers: I am often responding from mobile and so I apologize for the bad formatting and any auto-correct mistakes that might happen. 2) I have a team of advocates, assistants, and advisors who assist me in writing, responding to, and managing posts and community engagement; such advocates, assistants and/or advisors will clearly identify themself along with their role. Any opinions expressed by my team are the opinions of that individual and do not necessarily represent my opinions or those of my support team unless otherwise noted.

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    GroupWise 12 was the last version to depend on eDir,  and I believed it worked on WinServer 2003 even if not officially supported YMMV.  

    Newer versions (14+) will work with eDir, just not be dependent on it or even use ConsoleOne.

    Leaving trails for the restorers to follow is a time-honoured tradition in other areas, IT is just slow to understand the appeal, but it has started.


    Andy of in Toronto
    Please use the "Like" and/or "Verified Answers" as appropriate as that helps us all.

  • 0   in reply to 

    GroupWise 12 was the last version to depend on eDir,  and I believed it worked on WinServer 2003 even if not officially supported YMMV.  

    Newer versions (14+) will work with eDir, just not be dependent on it or even use ConsoleOne.

    Leaving trails for the restorers to follow is a time-honoured tradition in other areas, IT is just slow to understand the appeal, but it has started.


    Andy of in Toronto
    Please use the "Like" and/or "Verified Answers" as appropriate as that helps us all.

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