GWWEB 24.2 - host not found in upstream "pool_smg"

Hello GW familly, how are you?. I come to you for ideas to help me solve the following problem.

We have successfully migrated a large GroupWise customer from 18.5.x to 24.2.0-145238 (backend GW version). We also have GWWEB 24.2.0-145246 running fine on a balanced Docker cluster.

On a different Docker server for QAS, we are testing the gwweb version 24.2.0-145635, as soon as it rises it falls.

Within the error.log we detect the following error:
host not found in upstream "pool_smg" in /etc/nginx/nginx.conf:112


Our client does not use SMG, so we do not understand the reason for the error. Within smg.conf there is no configured server.

Any ideas or suggestions?. THANKS!.

Hugs from ARG. 

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    Any reason why do you use 24.2.0-145635 build ? 


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    Hey David! how are you?. It's good to hear from you. Thanks to your question I realized that I was not clear in the initial development of this post.

    Our customer is using in production the GroupWise Web - LTS 24.2.0-145246 version, this version works-runs fine over the Docker servers:: 

    As you know, the latest version of the 24.2 family is the GroupWise Tech Preview webacc-ng:24.2.0-145635, we are trying to test it, to see if some issues detected by our customer are resolved.

    As you can see, it is not urgent, I thought it was good to make this post to find ideas and suggestions to try newer versions within the laboratory environment we have mounted on the client.

    Ideas, suggestions?. 

    Best regards.,

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    Don't invest your time in tech previews, cadency of GroupWise releases is very high. You will get in three months more tested public version.


  • Verified Answer


    That error is from the new feature we are adding to our GW Web client service for the next release (not shipped yet) where the Secure Messaging Gateway (SMG) service will do real time file attachment scanning within the GW Web client service.  The GW Web client will pop up an error message to the end user when a file attchment(s) are infected and will stop you from sending that new message until you remove the infected file just attached. We will have some GW Web service Docker start up switch option to disable this SMG integration if you are not using SMG.

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    Hey Ed, How are you?. THANKS a lot!. Roger that. 

    Have a great day!.


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    I installed GWWeb 24.3 and had the same issue and couldn't find a switch to disable using SMG.  So, I set it up to use with SMG, but now it's saying my SMG needs a WASP license, which is hard to find info on.  I'd rather not buy a WASP license, so is there now a switch to prevent GWWeb from using the SMG scanner?

    I appreciate any suggestions.

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    Did you also run the 24.3 web-config again or only updated the GW web itself, you always run the web-config when going up in version. You might even remove the local directory before running the web-config again to be sure all files are created new again. This is by default /opt/novell/gw 

    The option to enable/disable the SMG scanning is under System, GW web in the Secure messaging gateway tab, you can enable/disable

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    I don't think I did that until afterwards in an attempt to get it to work.  I'll try deleting the files then running the config again.

    Thanks for the suggestion!

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    Innocent - you do not have to delete existing files. web-config will do it for you or override them ...

    Use "Verified Answers" if your problem/issue has been solved!

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    Okay, I got it to startup fine.  However, even though I disabled Secure Messaging Gateway in GWAdmin and deleted the 3rd party application out of SMG admin, when I send something with an attachment GWWeb complains that security scanning is offline do I want to send anyway.  So it seems that either I get this warning, or one from SMG complaining that I don't have a WASP license.  Is there a way I can get rid of this send warning in GWWeb?  Do I maybe have to restart GroupWise to initiate the change I made to SMG in GroupWise Web section of GWAdmin?