We use https://kmviewer.saas.microfocus.com/#/?product=GroupWise page to track latest GW pathes, but OT does not update it past Groupwise 18.3 version ?
Other products like ZCM work fine.
Mare Selan
DevOps Cloud
IT Operations Cloud
We use https://kmviewer.saas.microfocus.com/#/?product=GroupWise page to track latest GW pathes, but OT does not update it past Groupwise 18.3 version ?
Other products like ZCM work fine.
Mare Selan
Sorry, this was meant to be published under Groupwise page, not SMG.
If Admin can move it it would be nice
Hi Marko - I am checking into who manages that page. Thanks - Pam
If Admin can move it it would be nice
I moved it from the SMG Discussions to this forum. If you are subscribed to the thread, you should receive a notification that it has been moved.
Kevin Boyle, SuperUser
Calgary, Alberta, Canada
thank you!
OpenText Community Manager
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Hi Pam,
any news ?
Marko - Unfortunately I have yet to find anyone who manages that page so updates to it won't be coming soon. - Pam
Thanks for your effort so far... I guess the answer is blowing in the wind.