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Strange error with Notification list

GroupWise 18.3.1 Build:137846

One user reported an error where she was trying to add an account to the Notification List in Security Options>Notify.

However the when she added a particular account, the wrong account appears in the list.

When she tried again. The same 'wrong' account appeared again. Now this 'wrong' account is in the list 4 times.

When she tried to remove this account, it won't work. It will just re-appear next time you click into the setting.

The user's own name also appears twice on the list. Normally it's suppose to be just the once.


The user uses GroupWise client 18.0.2.

I tested this on GW Client 18.3.1 and 14.2.3 on a different PC and it's the same behavior.

I tried an Analyze/Fix Database on this account but it didn't make any difference.

Please suggest solution.


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    I did an Analyze/Fix Database with all boxes checked for the user.


    ===== BEGIN - JOB LOG ========================================================== 
    ===== TASK LOG - 0 (63da28f7.ckl) ============================================== 
    Micro Focus GroupWise - GWCHKSRV - Version 18.3.1 
      Processed on Wednesday, February 1, 2023 - 8:55 am
    Processing information for this run:
      Path to PO   = /media/nss/GWDATA/mail/gw_po
        Post Office= gw_po
        User       = m3gan
      Action       = Analyze/Fix
      Files        = Message, User
      Verify       = Structure/Contents
        Fixup num  = All
      Statistics   = Yes
        Box Limit  = 500
      Verbose      = No
      Upd DiskSpace= Yes
      Output log   = /media/nss/GWDATA/mail/gw_po/wpcsout/chk/63da28f9.ckl
    GWCHECK user options analysis:
    - options are consistent.
    STRUCTURAL VERIFICATION of system databases
        STRUCTURAL VERIFICATION of database ngwguard.db
          - Database is structurally consistent
    Reading Guardian Database store catalog info
    Searching for User/Post Office information for m3gan
    Processing Post Office = gw_po,  Store Catalog Path = /media/nss/GWDATA/mail/gw_po
    - User found, Fid=626, Diskid=204, PO=gw_po, Path=/media/nss/GWDATA/mail/gw_po
    (Former MDB Name: /media/nss/GWDATA/mail/gw_po/ofmsg/msg4.db)
      Checking message database msg204.db         - 86075392 bytes, 02/01/23 06:29
      - Current time 8:55:19 am
        STRUCTURAL VERIFICATION of database /media/nss/GWDATA/mail/gw_po/ofmsg/msg204.db
          Verifying data
          - Database is structurally consistent
          Reducing database /media/nss/GWDATA/mail/gw_po/ofmsg/msg204.db
            - no storage reclaimed.
        CONTENTS VERIFICATION of user's outgoing MSG database
          - processing message database records; last DRN = 301287
          - checking for orphaned attachment records
          - 164576 records read
          - 76922 attachment file references found
      Checking user = m3gan (626 / 204)  20318208 bytes, 02/01/23 08:57 (Kelly Dimech [])
      - Current time 9:02:46 am
        STRUCTURAL VERIFICATION of database /media/nss/GWDATA/mail/gw_po/ofuser/user626.db
          Verifying data
          - Database is structurally consistent
          Reducing database /media/nss/GWDATA/mail/gw_po/ofuser/user626.db
            - no storage reclaimed.
        CONTENTS VERIFICATION/STATISTICS analysis of db /media/nss/GWDATA/mail/gw_po/ofuser/user626.db
        CONTENTS VERIFICATION of database /media/nss/GWDATA/mail/gw_po/ofuser/user626.db
          - 10544 records found, last DRN = 125569
          - checking Preference records
          - checking Folder records
          - checking Category records
          - checking Data records
      User stats:  5107 InBox, 4679 OutBox, 215 Trash, 513 New
      Disk space management values:  Size Limit - 0KB, Threshold - 0%
          11955188 kbytes in use by user's mail
    Starting scan of EVENT (and EVENT configuration) records
    Finished scan of EVENT (and EVENT configuration) records
              - Record 40004 updated successfully
        Quickfinder:  Pending jobs = 15   Files = 638a5e05.idx,
    PROCESSING COMPLETED- total processing time: 0:09:54
    ===== JOB LOG SUMMARY (63da28f8.ckl) =========================================== 
    BOX COUNT VIOLATORS- count > 500  (NOTE- only violations are shown!)
     USERNAME   POST OFFICE  InBox Count    OutBox Count    Trash
     ---------- ----------   ------------   -------------   -----------------
     m3gan     gw_po        05107          04679                                  
    Processing completed
    *****  OVERALL STATS FOR THIS RUN  *****
    Uncorrectable conditions encountered:
      - No problems found
    Correctable conditions encountered:
      - No problems found
                        GroupWise System Information
    Number of Users...............    1   Number of Post Offices.........    0
    Number of Mailboxes...........    1
    Item statistics:       TOTAL  /MBOX   Mailbox statistics:     TOTAL  /MBOX
       normal items........ 5949 5949.0     Boxes with mail.......    1
       forwarded items..... 2004 2004.0     IN box entries:
       reply items......... 2243 2243.0       read................ 4355 4355.0
       total items.........10196 10196.0       marked unread.......  239  239.0
                                              new.................  513  513.0
    Distribution statistics:                  total............... 5107 5107.0
       to single user...... 3186 3186.0       Boxes over IN limit.    1
       to <= 3 users....... 4199 4199.0     OUT box entries:
       to many users.......  503  503.0       total............... 4679 4679.0
       sent encrypted (%)..    0              Boxes over OUT limit    1
                                          Schedule statistics:
    Average item length.... 1172KB          Boxes with schedules..    1
                                            INcoming appointments:
    Items w/ attachments...   52              read................ 1033 1033.0
    Average number attach..    1              marked unread.......    3    3.0
    Average attach length..247273              new.................    0    0.0
                                              total............... 1036 1036.0
    Items hidden by rcvr...  210            OUTgoing appointments:
    Items in trashcan......  215  215.0       total...............  200  200.0
    Items counts:        TOTAL   /MBOX
                         -----   -----
       mail               8658  8658.0
       appointment        1243  1243.0
       note                184   184.0
       task                109   109.0
       phone                 2     2.0
       profile               0     0.0
       others                0     0.0
    Items breakdown:            IN     OUT    PERS   DRAFT | TOTAL
                             -----   -----   -----   ----- + -----
       mail.................. 4229    4419       0      10 |  8658
       appointment........... 1036     200       7       0 |  1243
       note..................   12       7     165       0 |   184
       task..................   35      74       0       0 |   109
       phone.................    0       2       0       0 |     2
                             ----------------------------- + ------
       total................. 5312    4702     172      10 | 10196
    Priority breakdown:        LOW    NORM    HIGH | TOTAL
                             -----   -----   ----- | -----
       mail..................    0    8603      45 |  8648
       appointment...........    0    1233       3 |  1236
       note..................    0      19       0 |    19
       task..................    0      67      42 |   109
       total.................    0    9924      90 | 10014
    Security breakdown:       NORM    PROP    CONF    SECR    TSEC    FYEO | TOTAL
                             -----   -----   -----   -----   -----   ----- | -----
       mail.................. 8644       0       4       0       0       0 |  8648
       appointment........... 1236       0       0       0       0       0 |  1236
       note..................   19       0       0       0       0       0 |    19
       task..................  109       0       0       0       0       0 |   109
       total.................10010       0       4       0       0       0 | 10014
    Return Receipt Requests:  OPEN  ACCEPT  DELETE
                             -----   -----   -----
       mail..................    0     n/a       0
       appointment...........    0       0     200
       note..................    0     n/a       7
       task..................    0     n/a      74
       total.................    0       0     281
    Overall processing time for the entire job: 0:10:02
    Accumulated task processing times spent on the job: 0:10:02
    ===== END - JOB LOG ============================================================ 

    I don't think there is a scheduled maintenance.

    Does the Structure and Index for the whole PO required down time?
