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Online Update Question

I was wondering if it is OK to do an OnLine Update and installing any available patches on my SLES SP3 server with GroupWise 2012?
I was reading this Bash vulnerability and started getting worried,
and then wondered if Updates would address this vulnerability.
Anyone up to date on this issue and is it covered in patches from Online Updates?


New 'Bash' software bug may pose bigger threat than 'Heartbleed'

  • 0
    dkamp;2334514 wrote:
    I was wondering if it is OK to do an OnLine Update and installing any available patches on my SLES SP3 server with GroupWise 2012?
    I was reading this Bash vulnerability and started getting worried,
    and then wondered if Updates would address this vulnerability.
    Anyone up to date on this issue and is it covered in patches from Online Updates?


    New 'Bash' software bug may pose bigger threat than 'Heartbleed'


    I applied all updates to two SLES servers (no OES) this morning without an issue. You should be fine and I'd definitely recommend getting the bash patches on there, especially if you have servers facing the internet side with Web(Access) services.
  • 0 in reply to 
    Hi Guys -

    Any information on when the patches will hit the OES11SP1 channel?
  • 0 in reply to 
    cbeehler wrote on 09/26/2014 01:26 PM:
    > Any information on when the patches will hit the OES11SP1 channel?

    They should be available already. Just try a "zypper lu | grep bash"


    Novell Knowledge Associate
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  • 0 in reply to 
    On advise from a Linux person this is the procedure we used for our GroupWise and Data Synchronizer servers.
    Hope it helps someone else.

    rpm -qa | grep -E "bash|readline|openssl|http" | sort
    suse_register -d 2 -L /root/.suse_register.log
    zypper refresh -s
    zypper repos
    zypper -n -q lu 2>
  • 0 in reply to 
    dkamp;2334851 wrote:
    On advise from a Linux person this is the procedure we used for our GroupWise and Data Synchronizer servers.

    Interesting way to patch :) I'm curious, why not apply all patches for SLES, and just apply those selective patches? I'd opt for keeping the system as updated as possible for all packages that are running on it.

  • 0 in reply to 
    dkamp;2334851 wrote:
    On advise from a Linux person this is the procedure we used for our GroupWise and Data Synchronizer servers.

    Interesting way to patch :) I'm curious, why not apply all patches for SLES, and just apply those selective patches? I'd opt for keeping the system as updated as possible for all packages that are running on it.

  • 0 in reply to 
    dkamp;2334851 wrote:
    On advise from a Linux person this is the procedure we used for our GroupWise and Data Synchronizer servers.

    Interesting way to patch :) I'm curious, why not apply all patches for SLES, and just apply those selective patches? I'd opt for keeping the system as updated as possible for all packages that are running on it.

  • 0 in reply to 
    For security and political issues, we needed to show we were Proactive on the Bash, and OpenSSL issue. Since the Bash patch was so recent the Online Update did not show patch yet, so this is the method I was asked to do.
    I do plan on scheduling a down time for any other patches as soon as they will allow downtime again.


    >>>> 9/29/2014 7:36 AM >>

    > Interesting way to patch :) I'm curious, why not apply all patches for
    > SLES, and just apply those selective patches? I'd opt for keeping the
    > system as updated as possible for all packages that are running on it.

    > Cheers,
    > Willem

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