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dsapp 228 pre-release

Hello everyone,

I've rewritten dsapp (bash) into dsapp (python), and have dubbed it version 228.
This is a pre-release, and was hoping I can get some input / reports on any issues found with it.

Here is a download link to the github page:

Remove the existing dsapp rpm
rpm -e dsapp

Install the new rpm
rpm -ivh dsapp-2.00-228.noarch

Everything else should pretty much function the same.

The original still remains in the /opt/novell/datasync/tools/dsapp/ directory, however it has been renamed to

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    Thanks Shane - I'll see if I can get to it soon.
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    For what it's worth, I uploaded v229 pre-release
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    Am 02.02.2016 um 10:06 schrieb snielson:
    > Hello everyone,
    > I've rewritten dsapp (bash) into dsapp (python), and have dubbed it
    > version 228.
    > This is a pre-release, and was hoping I can get some input / reports on
    > any issues found with it.

    1. Health check reports:

    Checking Database Schema..
    Schema version: version:

    Version mismatch between mobility and schema
    Suggestion: Run /opt/novell/datasync/ to update the schema


    False alarm as I see...

    2. after database maintenance the deamons won´t start
    note: using gms 14.2.0

    3. Checking users FDN..
    Invalid FDN: ganger.ef-po1.ef-dom1

    what´s to do here? At other places you point to a TID.


    Gotthard Anger
    Anwenderbetreuung Netzwerkadministration
    Landeskirchenamt der EKM

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    Gotthard Anger;2419311 wrote:
    Am 02.02.2016 um 10:06 schrieb snielson:
    > Hello everyone,
    > I've rewritten dsapp (bash) into dsapp (python), and have dubbed it
    > version 228.
    > This is a pre-release, and was hoping I can get some input / reports on
    > any issues found with it.

    >1. Health check reports:
    >Checking Database Schema..
    >Schema version: version:
    >Version mismatch between mobility and schema
    >Suggestion: Run /opt/novell/datasync/ to update the schema
    >False alarm as I see...
    >2. after database maintenance the deamons won´t start
    >note: using gms 14.2.0
    >3. Checking users FDN..
    >Invalid FDN: ganger.ef-po1.ef-dom1
    >what´s to do here? At other places you point to a TID.
    Gotthard Anger
    Anwenderbetreuung Netzwerkadministration
    Landeskirchenamt der EKM

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    Mails for this address will only be read if you trigger me before.

    Hi Gothhard,

    All three of those issues should be fixed in dsapp 229

    Let me know if you still have issues with them after the upgrade.
  • 0 in reply to 

    Am 09.02.2016 um 17:36 schrieb snielson:
    > All three of those issues should be fixed in dsapp 229
    > Let me know if you still have issues with them after the upgrade.

    All complained issues were fixed in 229
    Last issue (not new, but investigated):
    Checking Sever Date.. Failed

    Time check is fixed to our own time server, servers in internet are not
    so your test to must be fail.
    Checking Sever Date..
    Failure with NTP server:

    Local server date:
    Year: 16
    Month: 2
    Day: 11

    No response from ''

    Can you read the actual time server from system configuration?


    Gotthard Anger
    Anwenderbetreuung Netzwerkadministration
    Landeskirchenamt der EKM
  • 0 in reply to 
    Try changing the timeserver in /opt/novell/datasync/tools/dsapp/conf/setting.cfg

    ntp.server =

    Note: Not all ntp servers respond with a proper time or format

    You can also disable the date check in /opt/novell/datasync/tools/dsapp/conf/ghc_checks.cfg
    Change = True
    to = False

    The reason I default get time from a outside source is to verify the date is correct (for the next check : certificate expiry date)
    If that date is incorrect on your ntp server, and GMS server is set from that.. the check would pass (Even if the date was actually wrong)
  • 0 in reply to 
    Am 11.02.2016 um 18:46 schrieb snielson:
    > Try changing the timeserver in
    > /opt/novell/datasync/tools/dsapp/conf/setting.cfg
    > [GHC]
    > ntp.server =

    > Note: Not all ntp servers respond with a proper time or format
    > The reason I default get time from a outside source is to verify the
    > date is correct (for the next check : certificate expiry date)
    > If that date is incorrect on your ntp server, and GMS server is set from
    > that.. the check would pass (Even if the date was actually wrong)

    Which system can I trust if not a ntp server?
    It would be a nice check to see if the used time server has wrong time
    in comparision to

    But in fact, my gms can´t connect to the internet. So your additional
    settings regarding to must fail in my case.

    From my own (bad) expierience I would recommend to add a test, if there
    a proxy setting exist and eventually enabled. Should result in first
    case in yellow, second case in red :-)

    BTW: the detection of nightly maintenance is working now, I remember for
    an discussion one year ago...


    Gotthard Anger
    Anwenderbetreuung Netzwerkadministration
    Landeskirchenamt der EKM

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    Mails for this address will only be read if you trigger me before.