OpenText Filr 4OpenText Filr 5/24.3
During net folder synchronization 'appserver.log' grows with errors like this:
==== appserver.log ==== ERROR [pool-fullsync-thread-1-(4-1652374800660)] [com.novell.teaming.module.folder.impl.PlusFolderModule] - (full-i) Failed to process entity with path [/Home Workspace/Net Folders/NetFolderName/FolderA/FolderXXX]: java.lang.StringIndexOutOfBoundsException: String index out of range: -85 ERROR [pool-fullsync-thread-1-(2-1652374800660)] [com.novell.teaming.module.folder.impl.PlusFolderModule] - (full-i) Failed to process entity with path [/Home Workspace/Net Folders/NetFolderName/Docs/Prices/2026]: java.lang.StringIndexOutOfBoundsException: String index out of range: -103
Filr is not properly working with special character in file name.An example of file name with a special character:
luggage sizes