Microfocus Filr als Speicherort hinzufügen (iPad)

Hallo an alle,

eine simple Frage, die mich jedoch seit geraumer Zeit beschäftigt:

Wie lässt sich "Filr" als Speicherort auf dem iPad hinzufügen?


Meine Dateien liegen auf meinem persönlichen Konto auf dem Betriebsserver, welchen ich von überall aus (PC, Android-Handy...) via "FILR"-App bequem erreiche.

Gerne würde ich nun auch vom Ipad aus meine Dateien nicht nur anzeigen, öffnen und verwalten, sondern eben auch bearbeiten und wieder speichern können.

Genau dies gelingt mir nicht - "Filr" wird zwar z.B. beim Teilen von Dateien aus der Dateien-App heraus angeboten.

Aber es wird in der Dateien-App eben nicht unter "Speicherorte" angezeigt, und auch nicht von anderen Apps aus (z.B. beim Speichern in der Word-App).

Danke für jegliche Hilfe!


- ipad Pro 12,9, 5.Generation

- ipad OS 17.6.1

- Filr App Version 24.2

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    Hello to all,

    Thank you very much for your efforts so far.

    Unfortunately, I have not been able to solve the problem with the comments so far.

    I will therefore describe the problem again in English.

    1) I open the FILR app on my tablet.
    2) I navigate to any file, e.g. a “.docx” file
    3) a preview of the file is displayed on the right-hand side of the FILR app
    4) I open the file with the ↑ symbol at the top right --> Open with... --> Word
    5) I edit the file in Word
    6) Word immediately reports: “Write-protected - Save a copy for editing.”
    7) I click on “Save copy”.
    8) in the “Save as” window, FILR is not displayed as a storage location.

    What do I have to do to be able to save a file directly from an app (e.g. Word, PowerPoint, Excel) to FILR?

    Thank you so much for any help.

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    What is written here is reproducible. Word, Excel and the like know the Files app and the storage account on iOS. As far as I can tell, it is possible to use a Filr address in both the Files app and Add storage location.

    iOS is 18.1 in my case

    @ Nick Robin has mentioned the online editor of Filr. I also use this because I have found that the functions of the tool are more than sufficient and I do not need a license from MS.

    @ Robin - Maybe the whole thing is a feature request and would improve the scope of Filr.

    “You can't teach a person anything, you can only help them to discover it within themselves.” Galileo Galilei

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    I agree there are some issues here which look like defects and I would suggest opening an SR, however I can edit a file from Word on an iPad, have a look at https://filr.mydemo.biz/filr/public-link/file-download/2c906ffd90e57a0c0192678ca06e051d/73/3024885026246030485/word%20Edit.mp4

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    I have just seen the error in the MP4, the Filr icon is missing under location in my iOS. Can you please describe which tasks were necessary to configure the Filr link under Location? Thank you


    “You can't teach a person anything, you can only help them to discover it within themselves.” Galileo Galilei

  • 0   in reply to   

    I have just seen the error in the MP4, the Filr icon is missing under location in my iOS. Can you please describe which tasks were necessary to configure the Filr link under Location? Thank you


    “You can't teach a person anything, you can only help them to discover it within themselves.” Galileo Galilei

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