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Does Filr Support SMB Encryption?

I'm on Filr 23.4, and users whose home directories are on a windows 2016 file server with SMB Encryption enabled can't open or download files. They get a permission error in the web ui, and the I get the following errors in the famtd.log file on the appliance:

2024-01-30T12:29:57.322896-05:00 filr1 famtd[2068]: ERROR:thread_handler: request processing failed - FAMT_FAILURE
2024-01-30T12:29:57.322913-05:00 filr1 famtd[2068]: ERROR:sendStatus: sending status ret: FAMT_FAILURE
2024-01-30T12:30:03.556551-05:00 filr1 famtd[2068]: ERROR:Trustees:PopulateTrusteeList: Return buffer size is -1
2024-01-30T12:30:03.556616-05:00 filr1 famtd[2068]: ERROR:Trustees:PopulateTrusteeList: Could not get attributes for [smb://REDACTED] : Connection reset by peer
2024-01-30T12:30:03.558037-05:00 filr1 famtd[2068]: ERROR:Trustees:PopulateTrusteeList: Return buffer size is -1
2024-01-30T12:30:03.558081-05:00 filr1 famtd[2068]: ERROR:Trustees:PopulateTrusteeList: Could not get attributes for [smb://REDACTED] : Connection reset by peer

Even if I set 'RejectUnencryptedAccess' to $false on the server, no joy.

If I disable smb encryption completely on that server, everything seems peachy. 

Any one have any insight?