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OpenText Data Protector
Data Protector Tips
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Data Protector Tips & Information
(DP) Support Tip: "export: Illegal option -n" received during install of DP to Ubuntu client
(DP) Support Tip: "omnicellinfo -schinfo <datalist_name>" returns incorrect time
(DP) Support Tip: A consideration when installing DP 10.70 or higher to a Linux OS system.
(DP) Support Tip: Actions in context menu of Internal Database unavailable
(DP) Support Tip: After a reboot the DP 10.80 GUI stops working.
(DP) Support Tip: Automated Replication Synchronization failed because MSM could not be started
(DP) Support Tip: Backup of a SLES 15 linux system gives "SRD information could not be collected. Aborting"
(DP) Support Tip: Blue Screen of Death Error Code HPEDPHSMX64 seen on DP systems (up to 10.60)
(DP) Support Tip: BSM/CSM SessionError "[138:742] Backup session "R-..."
(DP) Support Tip: Busy DP 10.70 and 10.80 Cell Managers may give an occasional DbaXXXX error.
(DP) Support Tip: Cannot open exchanger control device(Interprocess communication problem.)
(DP) Support Tip: Could not connect to inet in order to start VBDA
(DP) Support Tip: Could not lock vMotion
(DP) Support Tip: Dashboard doesn't display anything (Gray page)
(DP) Support Tip: devbra doesn't work with AIX 7.2 TL5
(DP) Support Tip: Download of disk descriptor file ('xxxx.vmdk') failed
(DP) Support Tip: DP 10.03 AppServer logs grow rapidly
(DP) Support Tip: DP10.70 installation fails when APPSNATIVEMGTPORT is changed
(DP) Support Tip: Future of python and pgAdmin4 within Data Protector on Windows.
(DP) Support Tip: Good practice when using Data Protector to prepare SAP-HANA backups.
(DP) Support Tip: How the 12H or 24H are chosen to be displayed in DP10.70 web-based scheduler
(DP) Support Tip: How to clean up backup schedules in Web-based Scheduler
(DP) Support Tip: How to remove a Data Protector component from a SLES 15 client system
(DP) Support Tip: IDB backup fails by "Backup of the object ConfigurationFiles failed"
(DP) Support Tip: Importing Media fails by "Unknown internal error"
(DP) Support Tip: Is it possible to connect a GUI to multiple cells?
(DP) Support Tip: Issues occur after Install/Upgrade DP10 at Microsoft Failover Cluster(MSFC) environment
(DP) Support Tip: License category gets garbled at Dashboard
(DP) Support Tip: License is shown as Trial when Annotation was not entered
(DP) Support Tip: Limits on the number of parallel running objects and gateways during a B2D session
(DP) Support Tip: Linux systems, using systemd, give systemctl status State: degraded.
(DP) Support Tip: MMD and DBSM crash during DP10.90 installation
(DP) Support Tip: NDMP RESTORE: Error: Bad header block.
(DP) Support Tip: NIC is removed after restoring VM when distributed switch is used
(DP) Support Tip: Non-English characters are garbled at GUI and CLI on Windows
(DP) Support Tip: omnidbcheck -schema_consistency Failed
(DP) Support Tip: omnidbutil crash at 12:00
(DP) Support Tip: Regenerating Certificates at Cluster environment
(DP) Support Tip: Restore failed with error Assertion failed: px != 0
(DP) Support Tip: Restriction for Cell Manager Hostnames
(DP) Support Tip: SAP HANA BACKUP operation aborted due to received signal: Terminated
(DP) Support Tip: Service Guard Legacy Package environment can not be upgraded to DP10.30
(DP) Support Tip: Set protection explicitly for replicated objects
(DP) Support Tip: Some DP versions, `omnicc -check_licenses -detail` gives zero capacity (0 TB)
(DP) Support Tip: StoreOnce device offline error is reported after unplugged/plugged FC cable
(DP) Support Tip: Sybase backup fails after upgrading to 10.70
(DP) Support Tip: systemd filling up Messages Log
(DP) Support Tip: The DP version 10.xx ServiceGuard package fails over when there is no problem.
(DP) Support Tip: The foreign Cell Manager can not be imported by [12:1625]
(DP) Support Tip: The use of "/dev/tape/by-id" with /opt/omni/.paths file is supported
(DP) Support Tip: Unprotected media deletion doesn't work by "Details unknown."
(DP) Support Tip: Upgrade on Windows to DP 10.80 failing if %DP_DATA_DIR% path contains a space.
(DP) Support Tip: User/Password is always asked when GUI connects to CM
(DP) Support Tip: using `omniusers` command to allow a Windows GUI to manage a Linux CM.
(DP) Support Tip: Virtual Tape Library devices with deduplication and concurrency.
(DP) Support Tip: Vmware GRE - Mount proxy host is not reachable
(DP) Support Tip: Vmware GRE ERROR - Failed to retrieve settings
(DP) Support Tip: vmwaregre-agent.exe crash when browsing disk
(DP) Support Tips: Importing Data Protector Media, good practice to minimize the risk of data loss.
2 Steps to Close the Gap in Ransomware Defense
2024 Threat hunter perspectives: Insights from the front lines
6 Common Financial Mistakes in Cloud-Migration Planning
9 reasons our data protection is different
9 Ways our data protection stands out
Accelerate, Simplify, and Secure Backup and Recovery with Data Protector and HPE GreenLake
Adding Protection can only be a good thing
Addressing cyber attacks with the right backup solution
Almac made it happen; consistent infrastructure design to streamline backup and simplify compliance
Altonet and Micro Focus partner to offer Data Protector as a service
Anbietervergleich: 8 Backup-Lösungen auf dem Prüfstand
ATCORE and Data Protector | Case Study
Backup ebook: the last line of defense and imperative for the “data age”
Backup Navigator 10.60 Support Matrix
Backup Navigator 10.60 Support Matrix & Release Notes
Backup oder kein Backup, das ist hier die Frage. (article in German)
Backup to Cloud: Top Five Advantages of Micro Focus Data Protector
Because Security matters - Data Protector addressing new market needs
Beyond scattergun: The new face of ransomware
Blogbeitrag: Alles Wissenswerte zu Micro Focus Data Protector (article in German)
Building a Cell manager to backup VM from VMware 6.0
Building for the next inevitable cloud outage
Business leaders need to plan against cascading risks
Case Study: ArcelorMittal Bremen
Case Study: Data Protector use case for the telecom industry
Case Study: Missouri State Courts
Case Study: So nutzt die DATAGROUP die Möglichkeiten von Micro Focus Data Protector (in German)
Cloud Engineer in the IT Servces Industry gives Micro Focus Data Protector ★★★★'s on Gartner Peer Insights
Cloud Engineer in the IT Services Industry gives Micro Focus Data Protector ★★★★'s on Gartner Peer Insights
Cloud et opérations : quels sont les principaux défis auxquels seront confrontés les décideurs en 2023 ? (article in French)
Cloud Workload Protection Platform: Data Protector
CloudAlly Academy – Principles of Salesforce SaaS Data Protection with Francis Pindar
CloudAlly Academy – The Ultimate Guide to Microsoft Exchange SaaS Data Protection
CloudAlly SaaS data protection platform
Congreso & EXPO ASLAN 2022 (18 y 19 de mayo. Madrid): Backup en Entornos cloud
Conozca la nueva versión de Micro Focus Data Protector 2020.08 (Español)
Council Post: 13 Industry Experts Predict Rising Business Tech Trends Of 2023
Course Announcement: DP4CW01WBT – Data Protector for Cloud Workloads (DP4CW) --5.x Digital Learning for Administrators with Specialist Exam
Customer Case: Data Protector at Government Service
Customer case: Data Protector in the energy sector
Customer Story: Gutenberg Rechenzentrum
Customer Story: Istanbul Grand Airport
Customer story: SYNNEX Infotec
Customer Story: Vodafone Shared Services
Customer Success Story: SYNNEX Infotec
CVE-2021-44228 and 2021-45046 log4j vulnerability for Micro Focus Data Protector
CVE-2021-44228 Hotfix for Data Protector 9.09
CVE-2021-44228/45046 log4j vulnerability for Micro Focus Data Protector
Data Backup & Recovery - Data Protection for Deleted Files to Ransomware
Data Protecor Webinar: Conozca la nueva versión DP 2020.11 (in Spanish), 21 de Enero
Data Protection in Uncertain Times Brochure
Data Protector - latest available assets
Data Protector 11.00: Backup-Deduplizierung auf einem neuen Level
Data Protector 2020.11
Data Protector 2021.02 Launch: Secure Backup for Microsoft 365 Now Available!
Data Protector 24.1 - Upgrade Data Protector For Enhanced Security
Data Protector and Data Protector for Cloud Workloads list of assets
Data Protector at Practitioner Portal - List of Integrations
Data Protector booth at the OpenText Summit Madrid, April 24
Data Protector Channel Summit, November 29
Data Protector delivers high performance backups for IT service provider FIS-ASP
Data Protector Demos
Data Protector Education Course Offerings
Data Protector Fokustag 2022, Stuttgart, 21. September
Data Protector Fokustag Berlin, 9. Mai und Frankfurt, 11. Mai
Data Protector for Cloud Workloads assets
Data Protector for Cloud Workloads at Red Hat Ecosystem Catalogue
Data Protector for Cloud Workloads protecting your Microsoft 365 data!
Data Protector for Cloud Workloads – patch bundle 5.0.1
Data Protector Free Live Demo
Data Protector French Webinars
Data Protector German Webinars
Data Protector How To Documents
Data Protector latest tips & tricks
Data Protector New Assets: Integration Advantages, Solution Flyer
Data Protector Q&A Session from Virtual Universe 2020
Data Protector Quick Reference Flyer
Data Protector Roadshow 2024, Athens, March 6
Data Protector Roadshow 2024, Dublin, March 5
Data Protector Spanish Webinars
Data Protector success story in the telecom industry
Data Protector Tips & Tricks
Data Protector Tips & Tricks: Cómo recuperar su entorno frente a un ataque de ransomware, 10 de Junio (in Spanish)
Data Protector Tips & Tricks: Integración de Data Protector con Microsoft Exchange, 13 de Mayo (in Spanish)
Data Protector Tips and Tricks: Virtual environment integration update, May 25
Data Protector Trainings
Data Protector use case in the healthcare industry
Data Protector Version Comparison Chart
Data Protector Webinar: Conozca la nueva versión Micro Focus Data Protector 2021.02.
Data protector Webinar: Conozca la nueva versión Micro FOcus Data Protector 2021.05
Data Protector Webinar: Tips & Tricks-- Backup de File Systems y Block Based Backup (in Spanish)
Data Protector webpages being moved
Data Protector zum Wochenstart: Data Protector Portfolio Update Session (webinar in German), 24. Oktober
Data Protector: Back up your system
Data Protector: Latest on-demand webinar sessions
DATAGROUP | Micro Focus Case Study
Datensicherung für den öffentlichen Sektor – mit Micro Focus Data Protector (article in German)
DB2 Full backup completed successfully but archive log always failed
Disaster Recovery as a Service Is Vital to State and Local Government's Defense
Documentum Backup Tips & Tricks
DP 10.20 VBDA timeout on all AIX 7.1 systems
DP 10.20 GUI hang when configure Oracle 10g R2 integration on RHEL 5.x
DP 10.30 / Service Guard / Huge restore of 52TB fails randomly.
DP 10.60 / Scheduled report jobs are getting deleted
DP 10.60 / Win 2012 / System is not compliant for Microsoft Visual Studio redistributable
DP 10.x Cannot open exchanger control device (Interprocess communication problem.)
DP 10.x Integration with Citrix XenServer 8.2
DP 10.x NETIO thread did not connect
DP 9.09 upgrade to DP 10.60 fails with "Database update failed. (Return code = 3)"
DP express edition backup issue: "Hypervisor not licensed"
DPO Forum France 2023 - Les Salons Hoche, Paris - 9 March, 2023
Elements of the Data Protector GUI
Employees Are Feeding Sensitive Business Data to ChatGPT
Enhancing Data Protector Auditing Capabilities
Ensuring Enterprise Class Data Protection - less risk, more Data Protection
Enterprise Data Backup and Disaster Recovery Solutions
Enterprise Resiliency Guide for Ransomware
Environmental And Social Risk Analyst in Finance Industry gives Data Protector ★★★★★'s
Evénement virtuel sur demande: Table ronde Data Protector for Cloud Workloads
Exclusive First Look: 8 Brand-New Videos to Premiere at Our Data Protector Bytes & Insights Event – Don’t Miss Out!
Fachartikel bei Storage-Insider: Gezielte Angriffe – die neue Seite von Ransomware (article in German)
Flash Point Paper: A Global Framework for Privacy Protection and Value Creation
Flyer: Data Protector for Cloud Workloads Top Differentiations
For Partners Only Webinar: Data Protector Best Practices & Recommendations Upgrade DP9 / DP10
For Partners Only: Data Protector 2019.02 Technical Awareness Webinar
Forum Cloud & Digital Innovation en Congreso & EXPO ASLAN 2022, Madrid, Mayo 18 y 19
Four Tips for Protecting Data with NAS
Gartner Peer Insights Customer Testimonial
Gartner Peer Insights Review
GDPR turns five – Reflecting on the changing nature of data privacy strategies
Get a Grip on Your Multi-Cloud Kubernetes Deployments
Handling Ransomware with Data Protector
Help - Incremental Backup Restore
Hotfix information for Data Protector
How to Crisis-Proof Your Data Management in 8 Steps
How to Ensure Your Backups Protect You From Ransomware – analyst report
How to future-proof your technology
IAPP Data Protection Intensive: France 2023, Paris, 14 - 15 March
IDB Migration from DP 9.06 WOndows 2012 to a new different host DP 9.06 Windows 2019
IDC Multi Cloud Forum Germany, March 14: "Hauptsache kein Shitstorm"
Idea Exchange Community Announcement!
Introduction to Data Protector
IT in die agile Business- und Digitalstrategie des Unternehmens integrieren (article in German)
It's Time to Master Data Protector 24.1!
Italian Webinar: Non duplicare! Deduplica!
Join us for "What's New in Data Protector 11?", September 2nd
Keep information secure, not inaccessible
Knowledge Doc: After Data Protector upgrade to 23.4 hpdp-as services fail to start
Knowledge Doc: Oracle backup job shows "Time out occurred."
Knowledge Doc: Resilient Change Tracking (RCT) backup fails
Knowledge Doc: SNMP configuration is not showing in omnisv -status
Knowledge Doc: Unable to launch home context
Knowledge Doc: [61:3005] Cannot perform stat() on script "C:\Program Files\OmniBack\bin\sql_bar.exe"
Knowledge Document: "12:1026 System error" when Graphic User Interface (GUI) opens
Knowledge Document: "Database upgrade to new version failed" when upgrade DP 10.50 to 10.91 on Windows Server 2012 R2
Knowledge Document: *RETVAL*1604
Knowledge Document: 12:1304 - The mountpoint/filesystem cannot be backed up. Unrecognized configuration
Knowledge Document: A LDAP user is unable to login to Data protector GUI
Knowledge Document: Accessing SAP R/3 clients for Backups give the Error: [12:8725] Can not open configuration file
Knowledge Document: After enable RBAC, VMware restore fails
Knowledge Document: After patch to SLES 15 omniinet cannot start
Knowledge Document: After reboot first backup works, however every backup fails afterwards
Knowledge Document: After upgrading from 10.03 to 11.01, IDB check command shows issue
Knowledge Document: An error occurred when the RS server was configured
Knowledge Document: An error occurs when click perform restore/restore and recovery
Knowledge Document: Application Service goes down frequently
Knowledge Document: Azul Zulu Java Multiple Vulnerabilities (2024-11-12) - CVE-2024-21208
Knowledge Document: Backed up as empty directory without extended attributes and ACL
Knowledge Document: Backup data unavailable for a few days in Backup Navigator
Knowledge Document: Backup of object failed
Knowledge Document: Backup Oracle error: ORA-00244: concurrent control file backup operation in progress
Knowledge Document: Backups fail with RMAN-06059
Knowledge Document: Can not open auditing feature into Internal Database Tab
Knowledge Document: Can't add the trust configuration of a remote host
Knowledge Document: Cannot connect to the SCM (Service Control Manager) on client <clientname>[5] Access is denied.
Knowledge Document: Cannot format a LTO7 tape after connecting tape library with a new Media Server
Knowledge Document: Cannot initialize Volume Shadow Copy Service database with omnidbvss -init command
Knowledge Document: Cannot install Data Protector on Linux client
Knowledge Document: Cannot install Data Protector when missing VCRUNTIME140_1.dll, VCRUNTIME140.dll and MSVCP140.dll file
Knowledge Document: Cannot load exchanger medium (Mutex already locked.)
Knowledge Document: Cannot load exchanger medium ([1] Incorrect function. )
Knowledge Document: Cannot open device (StoreOnce error: Store is federated)
Knowledge Document: Cannot perform restore of writer 'Microsoft Exchange Replica Writer(Exchange Replication Service)
Knowledge Document: Cannot push install Data Protector remotely
Knowledge Document: Cannot reach CRS when IDB change to maintenance
Knowledge Document: Cannot start "hpdp-iam" service, system error: [2] No such file or directory
Knowledge Document: Cannot write to device (JSONizer command failed [internal error]) with DP 24.4
Knowledge Document: CBL Licensing is not showing not the correct values
Knowledge Document: Certificate Issue after Upgrade
Knowledge Document: Click the advanced schedule and an error will be reported HTTP error - 500
Knowledge Document: Cluster gateway fails to configure for DPD
Knowledge Document: Commented lines in the global file get uncommented after installing or upgrading to Data Protector 23.3 or 23.4
Knowledge Document: Configuration backup fails on Windows
Knowledge Document: Configure postgres backup, port 5432 is already in use
Knowledge Document: Copy jobs are failing after upgrade to DP 11.01
Knowledge Document: Copy operation failure due to minimum number of devices
Knowledge Document: could not backup disk scsi0:0
Knowledge Document: CRS is not running in Manager of Managers Server Mode
Knowledge Document: CRS leaks memory when post-backup jobs are enabled
Knowledge Document: Custom Values cannot be specified when applying Custom SSL Certificate to Wildfly Application Server
Knowledge Document: Daily Maintenance job is skipped
Knowledge Document: Dashboard is not showing
Knowledge Document: Data Protector (DP) v 10.80 - IDB backups fail with 61:12019 error
Knowledge Document: Data Protector (DP) v 11.03 - Issue with Hyper-V VM backups
Knowledge Document: Data Protector (DP) v 23.4 - Fresh installation fails creating user
Knowledge Document: Data Protector 10.30 client cannot be imported in Centos7.4
Knowledge Document: Data Protector client installation on FIPS enabled endpoint getting failed with 'no digest' error
Knowledge Document: Data Protector Disk Agent Installation Failure on RHEL 9.x Due to Incorrect Port Configuration
Knowledge Document: Data Protector Graphical User Interface crashes on closing the interface
Knowledge Document: Data Protector GUI unable to open due to low disk space
Knowledge Document: Data Protector home page certificate warning
Knowledge Document: Data Protector HPUX upgrade fails
Knowledge Document: Data Protector Inet Service not available
Knowledge Document: Data Protector installation fails on SLES 15 SP6
Knowledge Document: Data Protector installation unsuccessful with "Operation failed with error 1625"
Knowledge Document: Data Protector Interface crashes in the object operation menu
Knowledge Document: Data Protector licenses were not recognized
Knowledge Document: Data Protector MMD service down due to incorrect xinetd configuration
Knowledge Document: Data Protector Oracle Backup fails with errors RMAN-00601 & RMAN-03004
Knowledge Document: Data Protector postgres restore fails
Knowledge Document: Data Protector Upgrade failed (ver. 23.4, 24.1, 24.2)
Knowledge Document: Data Protector upgrade failure to 24.4 version
Knowledge Document: DB2 backup fails
Knowledge Document: DB2 can't restore database logs
Knowledge Document: DCBF - Operation failed
Knowledge Document: debug.log file is full of messages "[KeymapGetEntities] CORRUPTION! invalid cookie at index"
Knowledge Document: devbra -dev output is blank on Windows Server 2022
Knowledge Document: Device DeviceName could not be opened (Serial number has changed)
Knowledge Document: Disaster recovery failed when both xinetd and systemd installed on client system
Knowledge Document: Does security vulnerability CVE-2023-41993 affect Data Protector
Knowledge Document: DP 11.03, VMware backup failed, Download of disk descriptor file ('vcenter02-vm.vmdk') failed
Knowledge Document: DP 23.4, backups of several clients do not work
Knowledge Document: DP GUI client connection issues in Windows 10
Knowledge Document: DP installation fails with "related product unexpectedly found on the system"
Knowledge Document: DP omnitrig and MMD services cannot start
Knowledge Document: DP SSL certificates validity period
Knowledge Document: DP users disappear after readdb
Knowledge Document: DPD 11.01 Store creation ERROR: Failed to create store: Possible Reasons 1. Total physical memory on the system is less than 32GB
Knowledge Document: Duplicate backup schedule after migration Data Protector
Knowledge Document: Duplicate FS backups and auto generated mails
Knowledge Document: Duplicate tapes in different pools
Knowledge Document: EADR Restore fails on hidden partition
Knowledge Document: Email Alert Notification does not work after Data Protector upgrade to version 11.01
Knowledge Document: EnableSecureDataCommunication disabled after patching
Knowledge Document: Error "Error writing file" appears during the copy of catalogs
Knowledge Document: Error "Operation Failed" occurred when readdb from 10.50 then writedb to 11.01
Knowledge Document: Error message when creating recovery media
Knowledge Document: Error occurred while performing task on CAS server
Knowledge Document: Error opening the Internal Database after offline IDB restore
Knowledge Document: Error upgrading from Data Protector 23.3 to 23.4
Knowledge Document: Error when adding new Linux client
Knowledge Document: Error when oracle restores to a different host
Knowledge Document: Error while trying to configure S3 compatible storage device
Knowledge Document: Error: "cannot create regular file '/etc//opt/omni/client/sscertificates/': Not a directory"
Knowledge Document: ERROR: Couldn't restart deduplication store process
Knowledge Document: Error: Unable to find a match: ansible-core
Knowledge Document: ERROR: Upgrading key size failed. (Return code = 1)
Knowledge Document: Export Windows Client from the client itself
Knowledge Document: Facing issue while copy backup on Tape Library
Knowledge Document: Failed to 'omnidbcheck -extended' with error libssl-1_1-x64.dll is missing
Knowledge Document: Failed to add new Data Protector component with error "Cannot read setup.ini"
Knowledge Document: Failed to execute '/usr/sap/IEP/SYS/exe/run/brbackup -t online -d rman_util -c
Knowledge Document: Failed to install Data Protector agent on Red Hat Enterprise Linux 8.8 server with Federal Information Processing Standard (FIPS) enabled
Knowledge Document: Failed to install Data Protector Cell Manager on Linux server
Knowledge Document: Failed to restore SAP HANA from Cluster server to Cluster server
Knowledge Document: Failed to restore SAP HANA from Standalone server to Cluster server
Knowledge Document: File system backup with error message [1392]
Knowledge Document: File xxx cannot be restored since it has only partial data
Knowledge Document: FileException: Could not create directory: /tmp/FL-DEV/testConnection_xxxxxx
Knowledge Document: Filter Listener service gets installed on Windows and consumes CPU
Knowledge Document: Following database(s) cannot be backed up incrementally because there is no full backup
Knowledge Document: FTP backup job backing up objects as empty directory
Knowledge Document: Granular recovery for Hyper-V does not work
Knowledge Document: Graphic User Interface (GUI) is loading in the passive node
Knowledge Document: Graphic User Interface gets close automatically when trying to schedule report
Knowledge Document: Graphic User Interface gets closed automatically when trying to schedule report
Knowledge Document: GRE Microsoft Exchange Restore is not working
Knowledge Document: GUI is unresponsive after trying the tape import
Knowledge Document: Hanging Backup Jobs Due to Orphaned sql_bar Processes in Data Protector
Knowledge Document: Home context is blank after upgrading to Data Protector version 23.4
Knowledge Document: Hotfix information for Data Protector 11.01 P3
Knowledge Document: Hotfix information for Data Protector 23.4
Knowledge Document: Hotfix information for Data Protector 24.1
Knowledge Document: Hotfix information for Data Protector 24.3
Knowledge Document: Hotfix information for Data Protector version 11.01
Knowledge Document: Hotfix information for Data Protector version 11.03
Knowledge Document: How to change the Agent's host name
Knowledge Document: How to change the cluster agent's host name
Knowledge Document: How to change the password of hpdpidb_spt
Knowledge Document: How to check certificate expiration date on Data Protector
Knowledge Document: How to disable encryption during send backup data to S3-compatible device
Knowledge Document: How to replace the Agent server with the same hostname
Knowledge Document: How to restore the backup data to the shared disk
Knowledge Document: How to run RMAN job directly from the Oracle server
Knowledge Document: How to stop dp-telemetry service and prevent auto-start on Linux OS
Knowledge Document: hpdp-iam services fail to start
Knowledge Document: hpdp-idb and hpdp-as service cannot start
Knowledge Document: hpdp-idb service down
Knowledge Document: hpdp-idb services cannot start after IDB restore
Knowledge Document: Hyper-V backup failed-[61:3003] Lost connection to OB2BAR Backup DA named "ERROR"-System error: [5] Access is denied.
Knowledge Document: Hyper-V backup fails after upgrade
Knowledge Document: Hyper-V Virtual Machine backup issue
Knowledge Document: IDB Backup error: Putting the Internal Database into the backup mode failed
Knowledge Document: IDB Backup Error: The Internal Database is already in the backup mode
Knowledge Document: IDB backup fails
Knowledge Document: IDB backup job has issue in Cell Manager
Knowledge Document: IDB backup show error "An internal error occurred"
Knowledge Document: IDB Restore Issue after CM crash
Knowledge Document: idb/object/filter API not working
Knowledge Document: Import of Edge Services fails
Knowledge Document: Import of HyperV host fails
Knowledge Document: Imported StoreOnce missing session messages
Knowledge Document: Installation DP 11.03 on the second node server in Windows Cluster has issue
Knowledge Document: Installing Data Protector for Cloud Workloads failed
Knowledge Document: Internal Database backups keep failing due to impersonated INET user logon password reset
Knowledge Document: Issue accessing Data Protector Graphic User Interface
Knowledge Document: Issue with FS backup after new antivirus installation
Knowledge Document: Issue with Log4j version used in Data Protector 11.00 Deduplication Store component
Knowledge Document: JSONizer command failed [internal error]
Knowledge Document: KMS failed to automatically create a key for entity
Knowledge Document: Large MS SQL backups hang near the end
Knowledge Document: Latest Supported Visual C++ redistributable download site
Knowledge Document: LDAP ISSUE User can not be added
Knowledge Document: License doesn't reflect and show trial
Knowledge Document: Linux Disaster Recovery not starting
Knowledge Document: Linux installation on dedupe_store failed
Knowledge Document: Local install fail on Solaris host
Knowledge Document: Mailslot is empty
Knowledge Document: Malformed UTF-8 character (fatal) at /opt/omni/lib/perl/ line 3081
Knowledge Document: Many debug.log entries of type: [KeymapGetEntities] CORRUPTION! invalid cookie at index=10
Knowledge Document: MaxDB backup issue with error "The database was unable to fulfill a request"
Knowledge Document: MaxDB database diff./full backups is getting completed with errors
Knowledge Document: Media recovery requesting unknown archived log during Oracle restore on a different machine
Knowledge Document: Media Server giving error with "IPC Cannot Create Shared Memory Segment"
Knowledge Document: Memory leak issue after upgrading from DP 10.60 to DP 11.02
Knowledge Document: Migrate users failed when install Data Protector in cluster
Knowledge Document: MMD service cannot be started
Knowledge Document: MMD service cannot start on secondary Cluster node
Knowledge Document: MS SQL restore fails with "Filemark on device 'Data Protector_id is not aligned"
Knowledge Document: MSSQL backup failure
Knowledge Document: MSSQL Completed Backups are not getting cleared from the Internal Database Window
Knowledge Document: Multiple copy jobs are in queue. The queued jobs are not reflected in the monitor tab
Knowledge Document: MySQL Agent not upgraded during remote upgrade to DP 11.01
Knowledge Document: NBD method VMWare restore fails
Knowledge Document: NDMP Backups fail with the error "Cannot open device (Target drive is busy.)"
Knowledge Document: NDMP restore failed
Knowledge Document: NDMP:Error connecting to NDMP server on xxxx 10000
Knowledge Document: Network Data Management Protocol (NDMP) Backup failed
Knowledge Document: New Mount proxy not listed in VMWARE GRE page
Knowledge Document: NO change the partition table on VADP backup
Knowledge Document: Not able to install/import client
Knowledge Document: Notes on relocation of tape device.
Knowledge Document: Notification and reporting emails stopped functioning due to changes in SMTP server's hostname
Knowledge Document: OB2BAR application disconnected after run Internal Database (IDB) backup
Knowledge Document: Object Copy job hangs
Knowledge Document: omnidb -veagent -detail fails
Knowledge Document: omnidbutil -run_script command fails
Knowledge Document: omniforsg.ksh -primary fails to start hpdp-iam
Knowledge Document: omnirpt -report dl_trees does not report all the listed VEagent specifications
Knowledge Document: Open Client API reported: Error encountered by Backup Server
Knowledge Document: OpenText public certificate doesn't exist!
Knowledge Document: ORA-00447: fatal error in background process
Knowledge Document: ORA-01017: invalid username/password; logon denied
Knowledge Document: ORA-12154: TNS: could not resolve the connect identifier specified
Knowledge Document: Oracle backup configuration check is failed with error
Knowledge Document: Oracle backup error RMAN-06149: cannot BACKUP DATABASE in NOARCHIVELOG mode
Knowledge Document: Oracle backup failed frequently
Knowledge Document: Oracle backup fails
Knowledge Document: Oracle backup job shows "Time out occurred."
Knowledge Document: Oracle full backup job failed
Knowledge Document: Oracle Java SE Multiple Vulnerabilities (October '24)/ openJDK 17.0.13 needed
Knowledge Document: P3 Patch cannot be installed in Data Protector 11.01
Knowledge Document: Perl Crash when running "" Script and Cannot cleanup all Data Stores
Knowledge Document: Postgres backup fails
Knowledge Document: Postgres jobs fail on random occurrence
Knowledge Document: Postgres Restore fails
Knowledge Document: Problem to install Data Protector when hpdp user cannot login
Knowledge Document: Problem with a VMWARE restore
Knowledge Document: Query incomplete/failed (Invalid object version specified.)
Knowledge Document: Query Version of Perl in Data Protector
Knowledge Document: Raw restore job fails with SM/MA protocol error
Knowledge Document: Recovery of the Internal Database failed
Knowledge Document: Remote client upgrade failure
Knowledge Document: Remove Data Protector logs to free space
Knowledge Document: Report email of Data Protector receive with bad format
Knowledge Document: Report not delivering in HTML format via Email (SMTP)
Knowledge Document: Resilient Change Tracking (RCT) backup fails
Knowledge Document: Restore failed when restore using session id of "Restore Sessions"
Knowledge Document: Restore from a Hyper-V RCT backup is failing
Knowledge Document: Restore of a VMware backup fails
Knowledge Document: Restore virtual machine failed and Virtual Machine could not be registered
Knowledge Document: Restoring from copy tape
Knowledge Document: Resuming failed sessions not happening
Knowledge Document: RMAN-08048: channel dev_0: starting incremental level 0 datafile backup set
Knowledge Document: SAP Backup Failed ORA-28001: the password has expired
Knowledge Document: SAP HANA restore fails , recovery could not be completed, volume 3, reached log position 0
Knowledge Document: SAP HANA systemdb failed
Knowledge Document: SAP R/3 ZDB fails with BR0233E
Knowledge Document: SAP_backup_failed _with_ORA-00020: maximum number of processes () exceeded
Knowledge Document: SBT error 0 in function sbtbackup - sbterror did not return error message
Knowledge Document: Schedule Backup jobs stop although all Data Protector services up and running fine
Knowledge Document: Set permission and set sticky bit in Linux
Knowledge Document: SharePoint GRE upgrade failed
Knowledge Document: Since upgrading Data Protector from version 23.4 to version 24.4 all StoreOnce backups are not running
Knowledge Document: SNMP configuration is not showing in omnisv -status
Knowledge Document: SNMP traps are not sent with proper format
Knowledge Document: Some issues with creating or using DP deduplication store devices
Knowledge Document: SQL backup failed due to authentication issue
Knowledge Document: SSL Exception: error:14090086:SSL routines:ssl3_get_server_certificate:certificate verify failed
Knowledge Document: StoreOnce store was running out of space although DP 11.03 media cleaning sessions were running
Knowledge Document: StoreOnceSoftware Store goes down in Error status frequently
Knowledge Document: Sybase backup is failed with the Archive API error, Msg 8009
Knowledge Document: Sybase logs backup configuration fails with msg 4208: DUMP TRANsaction to a dump device is not allowed
Knowledge Document: syb_tool crashes after upgrade Data Protector to version 10.91
Knowledge Document: Tag based VM backup groups have a limitation
Knowledge document: Target cell device Replication Store_gw1 is not configured with designated store or does not exists in target cell
Knowledge Document: The "Change Data Protection" and "Change Catalog Protection" options on the DP GUI is greyed out and cannot be selected
Knowledge Document: The backup is failed by the "Host not found in cell_info file" warning
Knowledge Document: The backup of IDB is failed during running PSQL script
Knowledge Document: The command does not display adequate information : omnidb -session nnnn -report warning
Knowledge Document: The Data Protector drive turns yellow
Knowledge Document: The Data Protector services/daemons are down during OS startup
Knowledge Document: The external server cannot access the Dashboard of Data Protector For Cloud Workload
Knowledge Document: The HPDP StoreOnce is in error state - Cannot start the store
Knowledge Document: The latest control file is restored when restore the control file for the specified date by using an RMAN script
Knowledge Document: The license file cannot be installed successfully
Knowledge Document: The license is not recognized correctly
Knowledge Document: The mmd process is down
Knowledge Document: The restore failed on all media agents
Knowledge Document: The warning message in the Internal Database (IDB) backup
Knowledge Document: There is no more space available in any of the Detail Catalog directories
Knowledge Document: Unable to access home dashboard after upgrade Data Protector
Knowledge Document: Unable to add pre/post script for a backup specification
Knowledge Document: Unable to add user with 'specified user group admin does not exists' error
Knowledge Document: Unable to format and scan Tapes
Knowledge Document: Unable to Generate and View Reports in Magellan BI and Reporting
Knowledge Document: Unable to install Data Protector in Oracle Solaris 10
Knowledge Document: Unable to launch home context
Knowledge Document: Unable to open GUI
Knowledge Document: Unable to read old backup message after migrate Data Protector from HP-UX to Linux
Knowledge Document: Unable to start service vprotect-server: Job for vprotect-server.service failed because a timeout was exceeded
Knowledge Document: Unable to stop hpdp-iam service
Knowledge Document: Upgrade fails immediately with the error: omniusers -list failed
Knowledge Document: Virtual machine backup failed
Knowledge Document: VMware backup issue
Knowledge Document: VMware backup with error "Error in `vepa_bar.exe': free(): invalid next size (fast)"
Knowledge Document: Vmware Client Backups runs into timeout in DP 24.4
Knowledge Document: VMware GRE mounts everything if user restores from Incremental job
Knowledge Document: VMware GRE Plug-in available for Data Protector 11.01
Knowledge Document: VMware GRE restore 23.4 sorting
Knowledge Document: VMware GRE restore mounts everything on the disk
Knowledge Document: VMWare restore: error creating disk scsi0:11
Knowledge Document: VSS is causing SQL cluster to failover
Knowledge Document: Vulnerability : SDFS Apache Log4j SEoL v1.2.17
Knowledge Document: Web Schedule does not work
Knowledge Document: Whether Data Protector is affected by the CVE-2024-22243 vulnerability
Knowledge Document: With RBAC enabled, Hyper-V based restore is failed
Knowledge Document: With Role-based Access Control (RBAC) enabled, no clients are shown in Graphic User Interface (GUI)
Knowledge Document: Wrong output of the omnicellinfo command
Knowledge Document: ZDB SAP R/3 backup does not remove presentation
Knowledge Document: [61:3003] Lost connection to OB2BAR Backup DA named "ERROR" on host
Knowledge Document: [61:3003] Lost connection to VBDA named "xxxx"
Knowledge Document: [61:4039] There is no more space for Detail Catalog Binary Files
Knowledge Document: [90:1004] Device address not found
La sesion Data Protector en Realize 2022 Spain
Latest Data Protector On-demand Webinars
Learn about Data Protector Editions
Lifecycle management article: Opentext Data Protector 23.3 has been released
List of Accepted Data Protector Solutions, January 27
List of Past Data Protector Support Tips
Live Webcast 4. März: Datensicherung und Wiederherstellung leicht gemacht mit Data Protector
Live Webinar 23. September: Data Protector Neuerungen - Sie sind eingeladen!
Live Webinar 3. Juni: Data Protector Neuerungen - Sie sind eingeladen!
Live-Webinar 19. April: Data Protector zum Wochenstart – Oracle Integration (in German)
Live-Webinar 25. Januar: Data Protector Deep Dive – File System Protection (in German)
Live-Webinar 26. Juli: Data Protector zum Wochenstart – Encryption & Certificate Management (in German)
Live-Webinar 29. November: Data Protector zum Wochenstart – Was gibt es Neues in Data Protector 11.0? (in German)
Live-Webinar 31. Mai: Die beste (Ver)Sicherung für Ihre Daten – Cyber-Angriffen ganz leicht entgegenwirken (in German)
Live-Webinar 6. September: Data Protector zum Wochenstart – Was gibt es Neues in Data Protector 11.0? (in German)
LookBook: The Modern Backup Protection You Need—Data Protector for Cloud Workloads
Magellan BI and Reporting Integration
Majority of Ransomware Attacks Last Year Exploited Old Bugs
Manager in Electric and Gas Utilities Industry gives Micro Focus Data Protector ★★★★ on Gartner Peer Insights
March 2023 broke ransomware attack records with 459 incidents
Mark J. Barrenechea personally invites you to OpenText World Europe 2024
Micro Focus Data Protector + HPE Storage Upgrade
Micro Focus Data Protector Encryption & Certificates (en español)
Micro Focus Data Protector Webinar Series
Micro Focus Data Protector – Good to know: Summary of the most relevant links
Micro Focus Extends Backup Capability to Cloud Providers and Virtual Environments with the Release of Data Protector for Cloud Workloads
Micro Focus stellt Data Protector for Cloud Workloads vor: Backup-Funktionen für virtuelle und Cloud-Umgebungen
Micro Focus Universe OnDemand: Achmea Using the IT4IT value streams for roadmap planning
Navigating Data Backup and Recovery Challenges: A Comprehensive Guide
Navigating the Complexities of Modern Backups – Omdia Report
New Brochure: The Data Protector Advantage
New Data Protector Webinars - links now available
New Data Sheet available
New Gartner Peer Insights Customer Quote
New numbering process to identify the Data Protector version
New Training Class: Data Protector Essentials, 3 – 7 Feb 2025
New! Data Protector for Cloud Workloads trial
NewNet TechTalk con Micro Focus |Protección de la Información Crítica, 23 septiembre
On demand - Data Protector webinar en español - DP 11 y DP for cloud workloads
On Demand Webinar: Meet the new Data Protector 10 version
On-demand Webinar Data Protector For Cloud Workloads - Prianto (in French!)
On-demand Webinar in German: Was gibt es Neues bei OpenText™︎ Data Protector 24.x?
On-demand webinar: Conozca la nueva versión Data Protector 24.1
On-demand webinar: Data Protector 11.0 Technical Preview
On-demand Webinar: OpenText Cloud to Cloud Backup: the solution to protect your SaaS platforms
On-demand Webinar: OpenText™︎ end-to-end protection for your corporate cyber resilience strategy
On-demand webinar: Osterman Ransomware Webinar
On-demand webinar: What´s new in Data Protector 11.03 and Data Protector for Cloud Workloads 5.2
On-demand webinar: What’s New in Data Protector: DP11.02 & DP4CW 5.1
On-demand Webinars: Data Protector 24.1 (English, Spanish and German sessions)
Open Text Innovation Tour Paris le 26 avril
OpenText Cloud-to-Cloud Backup Solution
OpenText Data Protection Webinar: Reporting Avanzado con OpenText Magellan, Jan. 30 (in Spanish)
Opentext Data Protection zum Wochenstart, January 21st (in German)
OpenText Data Protection zum Wochenstart: Cloud-basiertes SaaS Plattform Backup, 18. Feb (in German)
Opentext Data Protector 24.1 has been released
OpenText Data Protector 24.3 and DP4CW 6.2 are now available
OpenText Data Protector 24.3 has been released
OpenText Data Protector News - Version 23.3 released!
OpenText Data Protector What´s New Webinar - October 12th
OpenText Forum 2023 SEA | Kuala Lumpur, August 2nd
OpenText powers organizations to achieve digital success in a multi-cloud world with Cloud Editions 23.3
OpenText Premium Support for Data Protector
OpenText Summit Africa 2023, Sept. 6
OpenText Summit München 2025, 03. April 2025 I Motorworld München
OpenText Support Status change reminder for Data Protection products
OpenText Support Status change reminder for Data Protection products, Nov. 2024
OpenText Support Status change reminder for Portfolio - Data Protection products
OpenText World EMEA 2023 Innovation Summits, April 2023
OpenText World Las Vegas 2023 - Announcing Keynote Speakers
OpenText World, Las Vegas, Nov 18 - 21
OpenText™︎ CloudAlly: The solution to protect your SaaS platforms webinar on March 25th
OpenText™︎ Data Protector 2024.Q1 Technical Awareness Webinar, Feb 29. Partners Only!
OpenText™︎ World 2023 is almost here – register now! Las Vegas, October 11 - 12
Position Paper: OpenText Enterprise Backup and Recovery Data Protector Security
Problem with readdb in DP 10.70
Protecting Your Documentum System with Data Protector 24.1
Protecting Your OpenText Documentum Environment with Data Protector 24.1
Recently Delivered Data Protector Ideas
Recorded Webinar: What’s New in Data Protector: Introducing v2018.11 (10.2) and v2019.02 (10.30)
Recording of “The Grinch Who Stole Data” webinar now available
Replication hangs after upgrade to DP 10.50
Report lookup_sch fails with "Error creating the report "Interactive": Unknown internal error."
Report: Money and Politics Driving Cyberattacks
Restore to non-original config fails with "[172:172] Error creating Virtual
Robert-Bosch-Krankenhaus selects high-performance data storage technologies for a modern hospital
Russian Webinar: Обзор новых функций в Micro Focus Data Protector
Safeguarding Education: The Non-Negotiable Imperative to Protect Sensitive Data
SAP HANA backup to B2D (COFC) catalyst fails randomly on SLES 12 SP2/SP3
SAP HANA Data Snapshot
SAP R/3 / Backup did not run due not in default path
Software Development Predictions for 2023
Solution Flyer: Data Protector’s Integration Advantage for SAP HANA
Solution Flyer: Microsoft 365 Data Backup and Recovery Protection
Solution Flyer: Red Hat Virtualization Backup with Data Protector for Cloud Workloads
Solution Overview: OpenText Data Protector Enterprise Suite
Start Your Free Trial of Data Protector Now
StoreOnce Catalyst Copy hangs with Link Failure
Studie von KuppingerCole zu Data Protector
Success story: Data Protector case study for a Fortune 500 company in the Energy industry
Success Story: Fujairah National Group
Support Contracts - Compliance
Support Tip: " [12:1604] Cannot reach the CRS on the Cell Manager system" browsing the Oracle instance
Support Tip: "uma" standalone usage for library robotics control
Support Tip: 12:1026 System error displaying session messages for sessions on DP 10.90
Support Tip: A restore is always restoring the situation of a specific point in time.
Support Tip: After resuming a failed scheduled backup, the job is not following the scheduler protection
Support Tip: After upgrade to version 11.0 SMTP reports are not working
Support Tip: Always stop stores before stopping the StoreOnceSoftware service or daemon
Support Tip: auto dr backup error
Support Tip: Backup & Restore ownership on Linux
Support Tip: Backup To Disk Gateway types
Support Tip: Cannot access the file. While accessing the hard disk, a disk operation failed even after retries.
Support Tip: Client installation failed (Certificate copy failed: cannot create regular file)
Support Tip: Could not Start SAP HANA Database backup
Support Tip: Customize GUI view for Device Slots and Media
Support Tip: Data Protector 10.91 - [90:7500] Cannot open medium
Support Tip: Data Protector ISO creation process on a Windows system
Support Tip: Debugging DPDUtils
Support Tip: Dedupe server error --The device "xxx [GW xxx]" could not be opened
Support Tip: Disabling first treewalk on a Windows client
Support Tip: Disk space usage and data cleanup on a Backup to Disk device
Support Tip: DP 11.01 unable to open oracle barlist configuration
Support Tip: DP installation failure
Support Tip: Drive status in the GUI (Striped, Yellow)
Support Tip: Enhanced incremental backup
Support Tip: Error removing snapshot with VMware backup in data protector
Support Tip: Files to keep for Cell Server recovery
Support Tip: General Debugging Guidelines
Support Tip: Getting regular alert for high CPU utilization due to bma process on Media servers
Support Tip: HOST versus WINFS/FILESYSTEM object
Support Tip: How to avoid inconsistencies between the IDB and the D2D store?
Support Tip: How to disable the treewalk
Support Tip: How to move a StoreOnceSoftware store root to another client or cell
Support Tip: Import an object from a B2D store
Support Tip: Import of NetApp_CAB NDMP Server Type
Support Tip: Importing expired objects
Support Tip: Inet service failed to start after upgrade to Data Protector 11.01
Support Tip: Install client on Linux Ubuntu host
Support Tip: Installation log files on Windows
Support Tip: Installing Data Protector on a Windows Server
Support Tip: Internal error:DbaXXXX functions when starting a catalog session
Support Tip: Load balancing
Support Tip: Local disk space required for a Deduplication Store
Support Tip: Log Maintenance
Support Tip: Manually running an Automated copy
Support Tip: Media status and their icon in the GUI
Support Tip: New licenses not detected by Data Protector after upgrade
Support Tip: Object copy cannot use a source-side gateway for reading.
Support Tip: Omit deleted files
Support Tip: Omnidbcheck -dc -detail gives errors
Support Tip: OMNI_HOSTS environment parameter
Support Tip: Oracle backup is failing with error : 12:8019
Support Tip: Oracle Cluster backup failed
Support Tip: Order of Load Balanced devices
Support Tip: Parallel Restore
Support Tip: Properties of a Windows DP service account
Support Tip: Reboot after Upgrade
Support Tip: Rebooting Disk Agent host
Support Tip: Remember credentials given at Reporting Server installation time.
Support Tip: Replication not filtering objects
Support Tip: Restore a file with TapeAnalyser
Support Tip: StoreOnce Software: Do not delete s.dirty
Support Tip: StoreOnce store access permissions
Support Tip: Unable to gather data changed blocks on disk scsi0:0
Support Tip: Understanding the "Drive index"
Support Tip: Undesired debugs
Support Tip: Uninstall client components
Support Tip: Upgrade or Migrate?
Support Tip: Usage of "omnidb -filesearch"
Support Tip: Usage of a description for easier object selection during restore
Support Tip: Use OB2BMASTATISTICS to get device performance information.
Support Tip: VEPA GRE request (web GUI method) staying "In Progress"
Support Tip: VM Power On and Live Migrate
Support Tip: What Medium Size should be specified when formatting a tape medium?
Support Tip: Which user credentials can be used for GUI authentication?
Support Tip: Why are immutable media purged from the Internal DataBase?
Support Tip: Why is a session still seen after the related objects have expired?
Support Tip: Why is DP not using the full capacity of my LTO tape?
Support Tip: Why is my B2D medium not deleted while it is unprotected?
Support Tip: Will existing tapes be readable when the device blocksize is increased?
Support Tip: Windows Cell Manager starting
Support Tip: [81:52] /CONFIGURATION Not a valid mount point
Support Tip: “Internal error: DbaXXXX functions" when launching DP GUI after product upgrade to version 11.00 or 11.01
Support Tips listed per category
Support Video: Micro Focus Data Protector Encryption & Certificates (en español)
Table ronde Data Protector for Cloud Workloads, Paris La Défense, Jeudi 14 mars 2024 | 9H30 -12H
Technical Insight Series: Data Protector Cell Manager Migration, Recording available now!
Technical Insight Series: Introduction to Data Protector, June 8
Technical Insights Series: Backup the unsung hero, Recording available now!
Technical Insights: Data Protector Best Upgrade Practices, Recording & Presentation now available
Technical Insights: StoreOnce Best Practice, Presentation and Recording now available!
Technology-Driven Innovation is Transforming the Way Our Governments Work
The Battle Is Not Always Outside: At Times, the Most Damaging Threat Is From Within
The Blind Spots of Data-Regulation Compliance
The Grinch Who Stole Data: Preparing Your Backup & Recovery for the Holiday Freeze -- Webinar on December 18th
The installation of Data Protector for Cloud Workloads 5.2 fails because of missing compat-openssl10
The Missing Link in Cyber Security
Tips & Tricks: Cómo proteger su entorno frente a los ataques de Ransomware con Data Protector
Tips and Tricks about SAP
Top Voted Data Protector Ideas
Try the DP 11.0 trial license now!
Unable to bring the DP services up in the cell manager (Linux)
Unable to export tape from GUI - error : Details unknown
Upcoming Data Protector Webinars
Upgrade Data Protector for cost effective, comprehensive protection
Upgrade Data Protector For Enhanced Security And Flexible Pricing
Upgrade instructions for Data Protector
Upgrade to DP 10.70: Internal error: DbaXXXX functions.
Upgrade Workflow
Video: (Session 2): Data Protector for DCTM
Video: Conozca la nueva versión de Micro Focus Data protector 2020.05 (Español)
VIdeo: Conozca las novedades de las últimas versiones de Micro Focus Data Protector (Español)
Video: Copia di oggetti, replica e sincronizzazione automatica delle repliche (Italian)
Video: Cómo proteger sus aplicaciones críticas de forma centralizada con Data Protector (Español)
Video: Data Protection in a Hybrid IT World
Video: Data Protector - What's Your Version?
Video: Data Protector - Why and How to Upgrade
Video: Data Protector and Data Protector for Cloud Workloads Licensing Overview
Video: Data Protector and Disaster Recovery
Video: Data Protector and Documentum Demo
Video: Data Protector and Magellan reporting
Video: Data Protector and VMWare Demo
Video: Data Protector Channel Summit 2023 - Backing Up the Digital Dilemma: Business Cases
Video: Data Protector Channel Summit 2023 - Data Protector and Future Direction
Video: Data Protector Channel Summit 2023 - Market Trends in the Data Age
Video: Data Protector Channel Summit 2023 - Micro Focus IM&G: The Art of Governing Data
Video: Data Protector Channel Summit 2023 - Update on Channel Strategy: Programs and Benefits
Video: Data Protector Client Tagging Demo
Video: Data Protector Debugging Demo Tutorial
Video: Data Protector Deduplication Tuning
Video: Data Protector Flash Evolution
Video: Data Protector For Cloud Workloads en Español
Video: Data Protector for DTCM Session 1
Video: Data Protector Hypervisor Support
Video: Data Protector Microsoft 365 Online Suite
Video: Data Protector Protection Against Ransomware
Video: Data Protector Reporting Server
Video: Data Protector SAP HANA and PostgreSQL Enhancements
Video: Data Protector Security Features
Video: Data Protector Tips & Tricks: Backup de File Systems y Block Based Backup (in Spanish)
Video: Data Protector Tips & Tricks: Integraciones con Hyper-V y VMware (in Spanish)
Video: Data Protector Tips and Tricks Il Reporting Module di Data Protector (Italian)
Video: DATAGROUP's Use of Micro Focus Data Protector
Video: DP4CW and RedHat OpenShift demo
Video: How to fix Clients display in DP Console
Video: How to migrate from older versions
Video: Iskratel's Streamlining use of Data Protector
Video: Micro Focus Data Protector and HPE
Video: Micro Focus Data Protector Nuevo motor de deduplicación por software (DPD) con DP 11
Video: New Granular Recovery Extension Demo
Video: Novedades Micro Focus Data Protector 11.02 (en espagnol)
Video: Nueva versión de Micro Focus Data Protector 2020.12 (in Spanish)
Video: OpenText Data Protector and SAP Hana
Video: Robust Method for Backing up and Restoring with Micro Focus Data Protector
Video: Smarter with OpenText: OpenText Data Protector 24.2 Technical Awareness Webinar
Video: Sorting datalists in the GUI
Video: The serial number reload button explained (+ autodiscovery)
Video: There is no more space for Detail Catalog Binary Files
Video: Timeout Error when Listing the Scheduled Jobs
Video: Tips & Tricks de Data Protector Mejores prácticas (Español)
Video: Tips & tricks: Proteja sus datos en la nube con Data Protector (Español)
Video: Upgrade to Micro Focus Data Protector Premium or Express with HPE Pointnext Services
Video: WebRoot integration
Video: What is new in OpenText Data Protector 11.x, 23.x, 24.x
Video: Why and how to upgrade
Video: Why upgrade and how to upgrade Data Protector
Virtual Machine Explorer support timeline and migration to Data Protector Express
Virtual Summit: Realize Smarter Outcomes, APJ, 4 April 2023
VMware backup issue [61:1005] Got unexpected close from OB2BAR Backup DA on backuphost1
VMware GRE is Super Slow
Warum sollten Sie auch Microsoft 365-Umgebungen sichern? (article in German)
We're losing control of our data' as breaches reach an all-time high
Webinar 10 de Septiembre: Tips & tricks Data Protector: Best practices
Webinar 2 Julio: Copia de objetos, replicación y sincronización automática de la replicación
Webinar 4 de Junio: Conozca la nueva versión Data protector 2020.05
Webinar 8. April: Data Protector zum Wochenstart: Best Practices & Empfehlungen Upgrade DP9 / DP10
Webinar Data Protector: Encryption and Certificates, 11 de Novembre (in Spanish)
Webinar démo Protection des données – Data Protector 10.10, les nouveautés - YouTube video
Webinar en directo: Conozca la nueva versión Data Protector 24.1?, jueves, febrero 8, 2024
Webinar for Partners Only: Data Protector 2019.05 Technical Awareness
Webinar in German: Was gibt es Neues bei Data Protector 24.x?, Sept. 10
Webinar July 14 2022: Data Protector Backup and the Cloud
Webinar July 2, 2020: What´s new in Data Protector: Introducing Data Protector 2020.05
Webinar July 2: What´s new in Data Protector: Introducing Data Protector 2020.05
Webinar July 4: Protect your Mission Critical Applications with Micro Focus Data Protector
Webinar June 12: Get Ready for Data Protector 10.x
Webinar June 12: What’s New in Data Protector? Introducing Data Protector 2019.05
Webinar June 18, 2020: Micro Focus Data Protector Cloud Integration
Webinar June 23, 2022: Real-time Media Analysis: Watch AI Transform Your Workflow Intelligence
Webinar May 28, 2020: Get Ready for Data Protector 10.x
Webinar May 7: Optimize sus procesos de Disaster Recovery para afrontar situaciones criticas
Webinar Oct 8, 2020: What´s new in Data Protector: Introducing Data Protector 2020.09
Webinar Ransomware Attacks: Strategies for Prevention and Recovery
Webinar Sept 10, 2020: Data Protector Best Practices
Webinar Sept 10: Data Protector Best Practices
Webinar Sept 19: Micro Focus Data Protector and HPE; Better together
Webinar Sept 5: Data Protector 2019.08 release
Webinar sobre Micro Focus Data Protector
Webinar: Because Security Matters – Now On-Demand
Webinar: Data Protector 10.30 para una copia de seguridad y restauración de datos eficiente, 3.4.19
Webinar: Data Protector backup of virtual & cloud services, July 13
Webinar: Data Protector for Cloud Workloads, April 6
Webinar: Data Protector Ransomware and Security concerns in Data Backup, Oct 14
Webinar: Data Protector Ransomware and Security concerns in Data Backup, Oct. 14
Webinar: Data Protector Tips and Tricks-- Deduplication best practices, Feb 10
Webinar: Data Protector Tips and Tricks: File System Backup and Block-Based Backup, Feb 4
Webinar: Data Protector Tips and Tricks: Hyper-V and GRE Integration, April 8
Webinar: Data Protector Tips and Tricks: Learning About Debugs
Webinar: Data Protector Tips and Tricks: Virtual environment integration update, May 25
Webinar: Data Protector Tips and Tricks; Deduplication Best Practices, Feb 10
Webinar: Data Protector: SAP HANA Integration and Application Backup, July 1
Webinar: Don’t be micro-minded with your data protection strategy!
Webinar: Ensure Compliance with Certified Backup Solutions for Documentum, Feb. 11
Webinar: Get Ready for Micro Focus Data Protector 11.00, Dec. 9
Webinar: Micro Focus Data Protector Cloud Integration Sept. 24
Webinar: Micro Focus Data Protector Upgrade with HPE, Nov 9
Webinar: Microsoft 365 and SaaS Backup - June 10
Webinar: Microsoft Office 365 con Data Protector for Cloud Workloads, 14 de junio
Webinar: Nuevo motor de deduplicación por software (DPD) con DP 11; 24 de Feb. (en castellano)
Webinar: OpenText end-to-end protection for your corporate cyber resilience strategy, Sept. 19
Webinar: OpenText™︎ Cloud to Cloud Backup: the solution to protect your SaaS platforms, Oct 1st
Webinar: Protect Against Data Threats, April 11
Webinar: Ransomware and Recovering Your Data, March 9
Webinar: Ransomware Attacks: Strategies for Prevention and Recovery, Feb 28th
Webinar: Was gibt es Neues bei Data Protector 24.1?, 5. Februar 2024
Webinar: What to Look for in the Latest Backup Technologies, March 14, 2024
Webinar: What's new in Data Protector 24.1, February 15, 2024
Webinar: What's new in Data Protector 24.4, November 13
Webinar: What´s new in Data Protector 11.03 and Data Protector for Cloud Workloads 5.2, March 23
Webinar: What´s new in Data Protector 11.03 and DP4CW 5.2, March 23
Webinar: What’s new in Data Protector 23.3? July 5
Webinars Library
What's New in Data Protector 2019.02 - Webcast Replay
What's New in Data Protector 2019.02 - Webcast Replay (1768960)
What's New in Data Protector Learning Services
What´s new in Data Protector 23.4?
What’s New in Data Protector: DP11.02 & DP4CW 5.1, October 6
What’s new in Data Protector: Introducing Data Protector 2019.12
What’s new in Data Protector: Introducing Data Protector 2019.12 (2775432)
Which countries and industries are suffering the worst cyber attacks?
White Paper: Five Key Information Management Capabilities for Complying with Global Privacy Requirements
White Paper: Network & Information Security Directive (NIS2)
White Paper: Ransomware Attacks: Strategies for Prevention and Recovery
White Paper: The Data Protector Advantage
Why Are Companies Still Struggling with Cloud Costs?
Windows Server Backup
Workshop Session at the TTP EMEA Munich: Got cloud? Do not worry, you still can protect your data of any kind, Feb 27th
Workshop Session at the TTP EMEA Munich: IT Environmental Sustainability - the challenges and the opportunities, Feb 24th
World Backup Day, March 31
World Backup Day, March 31, 2023
[Press Release] Micro Focus Data Protector Now Available for Trial on SAP App Center
[webinar] Rev Up, Accelerate, Simplify, & Secure Backup and Recovery with Data Protector, June 20
[webinar] What's New for Data Protector 2021.02?, March 4
Вебинар "Система резервного копирования и восстановления данных Data Protector", 4 февраля 2021
Support Tip: Why are immutable media purged from the Internal DataBase?
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2024-6-4 6:53 PM
Koen Verbelen
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