Idea ID: 2689195

Data Protector Granular Recovery Extension for VMware vSphere is one of the most painful job

Status: Needs Clarification

Needs Clarification

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Data Protector Granular Recovery Extension for VMware vSphere is one of the painful job that I have ever come through. After version 9 it is more complicated and hardly works. So far if we have to recover a single file, we have to restore the complete VM first in VMware. Power on the machine as a clone and then have to recover the file. This is a very lengthy process.
Why cannot you change Data Protector VMware GRE as we do VM file recovery through Veeam backup tool. Recovery through Veeam backup tool is so simple and easy.


  • Request to all: Please check out the latest DP version 10.80 with refreshed VMware GRE now with additional features, better performance and HTML5.

    Actions like "So far if we have to recover a single file, we have to restore the complete VM first in VMware. Power on the machine as a clone and then have to recover the file. This is a very lengthy process." are not needed at all.

    If there's no further feedback i will archive this request soon.

  • I support and implement both DP and Veeam.  Ease of VM guest single-item restore is the #1 reason why Veeam is kicking DP's butt.  What's the point of backup if not for quick, reliable, pain-free restore?  DP VMware GRE is none of those.  In fact, DP's current implementation of VM guest single-item restore is an utter abomination.  And no, I don't care why or how it started as a vSphere plug-in any more than I care why a Model T Ford had a flathead 4-cylinder engine.  Time to join the 21st century.  Get single-item recovery out of vSphere and into a proper explorer native to DP's GUI.  And for the love of God please use HTML5 rather than that wretched Java!

  • we have 2000+ VM backup configured and GRE is very painful every time. we do somewhat manage to recover the single file by using different method. I hope one day DP folks will fix this issue.. It is very long pending item from DP..

  • We are still going through the pain of getting this working our smallest environment of only about 30 VM's. We're still testing and can't get it working. Would love this to be integrated on to the DP GUI rather than the clunky and unreliable GRE

  • I am also agreed, VMware GRE is pain and its not simple as in other backup product. I hope in next release DP should simplify and enhance the capability of GRE.