Idea ID: 2821065

changes to the GUI interface

Status: Needs Clarification

Needs Clarification

See status update history

When can there be changes to the GUI interface?

The GUI interface could be changed to a tabbed mode, similar to Word's functional interface, instead of the current drop-down interface.


    "Parts of the GUI (the part that you need every day!) has already changed to HTML"\

    Monitor, IDB, Backup Specifications - these are really parts you need every day. Thay never changed cince HPUX GUI moved to WIN. 

    The Home part is never needed by anybody I know (I'm administering more than 5 cells with thousands of clients).

    "All of DP can be controlled by the REST API."

    That's a lie. A lot of usual tasks cannot be done with a rest API. For example integration configuration or backup specification creation.


    "Parts of the GUI (the part that you need every day!) has already changed to HTML"\

    Monitor, IDB, Backup Specifications - these are really parts you need every day. Thay never changed cince HPUX GUI moved to WIN. 

    The Home part is never needed by anybody I know (I'm administering more than 5 cells with thousands of clients).

    "All of DP can be controlled by the REST API."

    That's a lie. A lot of usual tasks cannot be done with a rest API. For example integration configuration or backup specification creation.

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