I'm migrate data protector 7 to 9 and after migration, my data protector 9 client do not access the cell manager.
Error: Unknown SSL protocol error in conection to cellmanager:7116
Thank you for any assistence.
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I'm migrate data protector 7 to 9 and after migration, my data protector 9 client do not access the cell manager.
Error: Unknown SSL protocol error in conection to cellmanager:7116
Thank you for any assistence.
Open https://<cellserver hostname>:7116 in a Browser and Check the Certificate that is delivered.
Often enough the Expiration Date lies in past and therfore prevents access.
If that is the case you'll need to generate a new certificate with shorter vaild time (anything before 2038) using omnigencert.pl. Check the Admin-Guide for Details on the parameters.
OK. The patch 904 was applied, but dont work.I checked the certificates generated, listed below, and have one with validation date expired.
List of known Certificates:
"hpdpcert.pem" from 10/06/2011 10:40:50 AM
"cacert.pem" from 08/14/2015 02:15:58 PM
To generate a new certificate i need a store_password. To get this parameter i need to create a new store_password or get from the old version (data protector 7)?
No, the password was not existing in version 7. You can get it from /etc/opt/omni/client/components/webservice.properties.
Visit this customer advisory for the full details. It contains the procedure to re-generate the certificate.
The document http://h20565.www2.hpe.com/hpsc/doc/public/display?docId=emr_na-c04350769 is not online.
The server return error 403, forbidden.
How can I access the doc?
Thank you for your attention.
The document http://h20565.www2.hpe.com/hpsc/doc/public/display?docId=emr_na-c04350769 is not online.
The server return error 403, forbidden.
How can I access the doc?
Thank you for your attention.
Link works for me.
Alternatively the Tool is also described in Installation-Guide (Chapter Certificate Generation Utility)
> How can I access the doc?
Hmm, I couldn't access it either 20 minutes ago, and now I can. ???