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Data Protector 9: SSL Error on client access



I'm migrate data protector 7 to 9 and after migration, my data protector 9 client do not access the cell manager.


Error: Unknown SSL protocol error in conection to cellmanager:7116


Thank you for any assistence.

  • 0

    Open https://<cellserver hostname>:7116 in a Browser and Check the Certificate that is delivered.

    Often enough the Expiration Date lies in past and therfore prevents access.

    If that is the case you'll need to generate a new certificate with shorter vaild time (anything before 2038) using Check the Admin-Guide for Details on the parameters.

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    OK. The patch 904 was applied, but dont work.I checked the certificates generated, listed below, and have one with validation date expired.


    List of known Certificates:
    "hpdpcert.pem" from 10/06/2011 10:40:50 AM
    "cacert.pem" from 08/14/2015 02:15:58 PM

    To generate a new certificate i need a store_password. To get this parameter i need to create a new store_password or get from the old version (data protector 7)?

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    those are not the Certificates you have to check for GUI, they are used for EncryptedControlComunication.

    Check the Ceritificate the ApplicationServer delivers (Browse https://<CM-Hostname>:7116).

    All steps required to create a new Cert for this are described in advisory provided by Sebastian.

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    those are not the Certificates you have to check for GUI, they are used for EncryptedControlComunication.

    Check the Ceritificate the ApplicationServer delivers (Browse https://<CM-Hostname>:7116).

    All steps required to create a new Cert for this are described in advisory provided by Sebastian.

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      When I try access from Firefox on https://<Cellmanager>:7116, I received the SSL error message from Firefox. "The server certificate included a public key that was too weak. (Error code: ssl_error_weak_server_cert_key)".


       Any idea of solution?


    Thank you for any help.