Issue Installing Data Protector 24.4 on Windows Server 2025

Hi everyone,

I’m encountering an issue while trying to install Data Protector 24.4 on a Windows Server 2025.

After running setup.exe, the installation begins with the Visual Studio 2015-2022 Redistributable package. However, after a short while, the installer fails and displays an error stating that it was unable to install the Visual Studio Redistributable. The error doesn’t seem to originate from the Visual Studio installer itself but rather from the OpenText Data Protector Setup Launcher.

The system is a newly built server with no prior Visual Studio Redistributable versions installed. To troubleshoot, I manually installed the latest Visual Studio 2015-2022 Redistributable package from Microsoft’s website, but the Data Protector installer still attempts (and fails) to install the package on its own.

Funnily enough, redistributable package is successfully being registered and installed on the server.

I’ve also tried rebooting the server, but the issue persists. Is Data Protector 24.4 officially supported on Windows Server 2025? I should note that I’m relatively new to Data Protector, so any guidance or suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you in advance!