Failed to get peer certificate.

Hi all,

This is a new DP installation on hostA.

hostA - Red Hat Enterprise Linux 9.4 - DP23.4
hostB - Cell server - Windows Server 2016 Standard - DP23.4

Both hosts are using port 5555 for DP. Port is opened.

The following error occurred by running command.
-The following command is performed on host A.

# omnicc -secure_comm -configure_peer hostB -accept_host
Error getting certificate from the peer 'hostB'.

Failed to get peer certificate.

We configured exception for secure comm:
From hostA:
/opt/omni/bin/omnicc -secure_comm -configure_exception hostB -overwrite
From hostB:
/opt/omni/bin/omnicc -secure_comm -onfigure_exception hostA -overwrite

After this we are able to import hostA to the cell server hostB.
Backup is working fine.

We have lot of linux servers where secure communication is configured successfully.

Could you please advise why secure communication can't be configured? 

Thanks in advance
