How to skip partial archive file in DP 10.90 backups?


I facing very annoying issue with my file backups.

For example, we have server and directory /archive where stored archives of our docs. Generally, in this directory stored archives like:


But sometimes backup started when some of docs didn't completely archived, and we have files like:



If during backup archive with extension .partial will be completed, its change extension to .gz only, and in this particular case log of backup session will contain errors like:

Cannot proceed /archive/000002.gz.partial: No such file or directory!

I tried to set up Skip filter (with *.partial, *part and even *gz.partial wildcards) in Backup Object Summary tab and it seems fine most of a time, but sometimes it throw error anyway. 

Earlier i red, that Skip and Only filters applies by Media Agent after its initialization, but seems that filesystem scannig for files run by Disk Agent and it running before any filters.

So, how can i force DP to skip files with .partial extension for 100% of time?

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    Not sure what can be wrong here. The skip filter is indeed implemented in the VBDA (disk agent) and should work. Maybe you have multiple objects in the datalist and forgot to add the filter to all objects? Can you show the "FILESYSTEM" section of the datalist (/etc/opt/omni/server/datalists or ProgramData\OmniBack\Config\Server\Datalists) please?

    Although I am an OpenText employee, I am speaking for myself and not for OpenText.
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