run_Script option

Did run_script option has been removed from the omnidbutil command?

Since when?

What is the alternative to running sql scripts in IDB?
  • Verified Answer


    No, still available. Example from 24.3:

    C:\Temp>omnidbutil -run_script idbversion.sql -detail
    release | revision | created_on | id
    8.0 | $Rev: 37111 $ | 2024-07-31 00:00:00+02 | 1
    8.01 | $Rev$ | 2024-07-31 13:00:08.378709+02 | 2
    8.10 | $Rev$ | 2024-07-31 13:00:08.470342+02 | 3


    24.2 | $Rev$ | 2024-07-31 13:00:12.570176+02 | 34
    24.3 | $Rev$ | 2024-07-31 13:00:12.787347+02 | 35
    (35 rows)



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    Thanks Koen, 

    something went wrong with a first 24.3 installation.

    After reinstall, it's working fine.
