DP23_4 Unable to create gateway on RHEL Dedupe store server


We have a simple set up in a small standalone environment we're building using DP23_4:

  • VM1 - DP Cell Manager RHEL 8.8
  • VM2 - DP RHEL 8.8 Media Server with Dedupe Store
  • VM3 - DP Windows 2016 Media Server with Dedupe Store

Plan is to spread the backups between both media servers, backups made up of VM backups, selected filesystem backups, and potentially SQL/Oracle in the future. We have created new Deduplication Stores on each of the media servers. The Dedupe Stores have a backend dedicated storage array used for backups only, with the VM's themselves on a different set of storage arrays. So a simple setup, well looks simple to us!

We created the Windows Dedupe Store first, added DP agents (Disk/General Media/User Interface/Virtual Environment Integration/Deduplication Store/Storeonce Software Deduplication), created the dedupe store, and created gateways successfully for all three servers to access the Dedupe Store on the Windows server. Great, working a treat, all three servers can see and use the Dedupe Store on Windows.

Move on to the RHEL media server, created it's Dedupe Store, but had problems with gateways. Managed to create a gateway talking back to VM1/VM3 just fine, but when we tried to create the local gateway on the RHEL media server itself, it failed. Error message:

12:17302 Failed to establish sdfs client proxy connection

I couldn't find any help online for that code, has anyone got any further info about a cause for this error? 



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    I found a similar issue on 23.4 in our support database, unfortunately without a solution as the customer moved to another setup. Are you able to report this in a support case and provide debugs of the failure? That would be the best way forward. If you drop me the case ID then I can put my comments into the case.


    Although I am an OpenText employee, I am speaking for myself and not for OpenText.
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    Hi Koen,

    Thanks for the reply, good to know it's not just us who have the problem! Frustratingly we unable to upload any logs to 3rd parties for analysis, we can only raise the issue in our own words, with any pertinent error messages. This makes it a pain for 3rd parties, I know, I've seen it from both sides of the support fence myself over the years.

    As with the other customer, we can work around the issue ourselves, we can use the cell manager to be the gateway to write out to the Linux media server which has the Dedupe Store on it. This new environment is pretty small, all virtualised, dedicated segregated network, so jumping from one box to act as the gateway to another which has the Dedupe Store is no big deal. 

    Given someone else has already logged it, and we can't send debug logs, we'll hold off raising another case, unless you would like us too to show it's affecting more than one customer.

