No aparece el cliente cuando se va ha crear una tarea de respaldo.

Se instaló el cliente en un Debian 12.6, después de eso se importé sin ningún error y aparece en la lista de cliente, pero al ir a crear la tarea de respaldo no me muestra ese cliente para poder crear la tarea.

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    The client does not appear when creating a backup task

    The client was installed on a Debian 12.6, after that it was imported without any errors and it appears in the client list,
    but when I go to create the backup task it does not show me that client so I can create the task.

    So I understand that in the "Clients" context of the GUI you do see the specific client, but in the "Backup" context it is not appearing? Maybe it would be good you share a screen shot of the window where the client is missing, so we all understand what you mean. Please also let us know what DP version you have installed.

    Although I am an OpenText employee, I am speaking for myself and not for OpenText.
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    Gracias por su interés.

    A continuación adjunto una imagen donde están los clientes agregados en mi consola de DP, el equipo al que hago referencia en este caso es srv-jcm-nube, es la última de la lista de clientes.

    En la siguiente imagen se ilustra la opción de Backup, donde al crear la tarea de respaldo tipo File, no me muestra el equipo srv-jcm-nube en la lista para yo poder señalarlo.

    La versión de Data Protector que tengo actualmente es la 23.3.

    Quedo atenta a su ayuda.

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    OK, the most important image seems to be missing. Please share the Backup context screen shot.

    Although I am an OpenText employee, I am speaking for myself and not for OpenText.
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    Tiene razón, no me adjuntó la imagen, aquí la envío.

  • Suggested Answer

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    Thanks for adding the picture. Actually, I should have seen from the other picture what's wrong: there is no Disk Agent installed on the client. That's the reason why it is not shown as a candidate for a file system backup. If you believe the DA component is already installed then you can use omnicc -update_host to update the cell_info file. If the DA component  was not installed yet then do that first. 

    Although I am an OpenText employee, I am speaking for myself and not for OpenText.
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    Cordial saludo.

    En el cliente este archivo cell_info no esta, encontramos el archivo omni_info, este archivo omni_info contiene lo siguiente:

    root@srv-jcm-nube:/etc/opt/omni/client# cat omni_info  

    -key core -desc "Core Component" -nlsset 159 -nlsId 12262 -version 23.3
    -key ts_core -desc "Core Technology Stack" -nlsset 159 -nlsId 12288 -version 23.3
    -key integ -desc "Core of Integrations component" -nlsset 159 -nlsId 12266 -version 23.3
    -key pegasus -desc "Pegasus Libraries" -nlsset 159 -nlsId 12271 -version 23.3
    -key smisa -desc "HPE P6000 / HPE 3PAR SMI-S Agent" -nlsset 159 -nlsId 12264 -flags 0xb -ntpath "" -uxpath "" -version 23.3root@srv-jcm-nube:/etc/opt/omni/client#

    Al intentar actualizar omnicc sale el siguiente mensaje:
    root@srv-jcm-nube:/opt/omni/bin# ./omnicc -update_all
    Insufficient permissions. Access denied.
    Siendo que se tienen todos los permisos de administración sobre esa máquina.

     También envío las salidas ofrecidas por omnicc

       Category                                                                                Number of Licenses
     Cell Manager for UNIX                                                                                      0
     Cell Manager for Windows / Linux                                                     1
     Single Drive for UNIX / NAS / SAN                                                     0
     Single Drive for Windows / Linux                                                      2
     On-line Extension for ONE UNIX system                                          0
     On-line Extension for ONE Windows / Linux system                       0
     Manager-of-Managers Extension for UNIX                                        0
     Manager-of-Managers Extension for Windows / Linux                    0
     Single Server Edition for UNIX                                                           0
     Single Server Edition for Windows                                                    0
     On-line Extension for ONE UNIX system                                           0
     On-line Extension for ONE Windows / Linux system                       10
     Extension for ONE 61-250 Slot Library                                                0
     Extension for ONE Unlimited Slot Library                                          0
     Extension for ONE Unlimited Slot Library for Windows                      0
     Zero Downtime Backup Extension for 1 TB EMC Symmetrix                                0
     Zero Downtime Backup Extension for 1 TB HPE StorageWorks disk array XP               0
     OpenText Data Protector zero downtime backup (ZDB) extension for UNIX - 1 TB         0
     Instant Recovery Extension for 1 TB HPE StorageWorks disk array XP                   0
     OpenText Data Protector instant recovery extension for UNIX - 1 TB                   0
     Direct Backup using NDMP for 1 TB                                                    0
     Advanced backup to disk                                                                    100
     Encryption Extension for one client system                                           0
     OpenText Data Protector Granular Recovery Extension                                  6
     OpenText Data Protector zero downtime backup (ZDB) extension for Windows - 1 TB      0
     OpenText Data Protector instant recovery extension for Windows - 1 TB                0
     OpenText Data Protector zero downtime backup (ZDB) extension for Linux - 1 TB        0
     OpenText Data Protector instant recovery extension for Linux - 1 TB                  0
     OpenText Data Protector Zero Downtime Backup for non HPE arrays Unix 1TB             0
     OpenText Data Protector Zero Downtime Backup for non HPE arrays Linux 1TB            0
     OpenText Data Protector Zero Downtime Backup for non HPE arrays Windows 1TB          0
     OpenText Data Protector Instant Recovery for non HPE arrays Unix 1TB                 0
     OpenText Data Protector Instant Recovery for non HPE arrays Linux 1TB                0
     OpenText Data Protector Instant Recovery for non HPE arrays Windows 1TB              0
     OpenText Data Protector Extended On-line Backup for Win/Linux Software               0
     Reporting Server                                                                     0

    Tambien envío lo siguiente:

    root@srv-jcm-nube:/etc/opt/omni/client# ls -l
    total 40
    -rw-r--r-- 1 root root   26 jul 18 15:26 cell_server
    drwxr-xr-x 2 root sys  4096 jul 18 14:47 certificates
    drwxr-xr-x 3 root sys  4096 jul 18 14:47 components
    -rw-r--r-- 1 root root    0 jul 18 15:26 config
    drwxr-xr-x 2 root sys  4096 jul 18 14:48 customize
    drwxr-xr-x 3 root sys  4096 jul 18 14:48 modules
    -r--r--r-- 1 root root 7941 jun 25  2023 omni_format
    -rw-r--r-- 1 root root  444 jul 18 14:50 omni_info
    drwxr-xr-x 2 root root 4096 jul 18 15:22 sscertificates
    -rw-r--r-- 1 root root  266 jul 18 15:22 ssconfig

    -rw-r--r-- 1 root root    0 jul 18 15:22 ssconfig.lock

    Quedo atenta.

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    The cell_info file is on the cell server: /etc/opt/omni/server/cell

    Although I am an OpenText employee, I am speaking for myself and not for OpenText.
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    +1 in reply to   

    El Servidor Cell manager, esta en Windows.

  • 0 in reply to 

    El cliente es el que esta en LInux.

  • 0   in reply to   

    OK, doesn't matter. Did you check he cell_info file? 


    Although I am an OpenText employee, I am speaking for myself and not for OpenText.
    If you found this post useful, give it a “Like” or click on "Verify Answer" under the "More" button.