DP 24.2 GUI Manager not working after adding host to the domain: Unable to get Authentication token. Check if Appserver is running


Issue started immediately after adding a host with DP 24.2 (Windows Server 2022, updated to last known patches) to the domain, the DP Manager GUI could not be started properly:

ERROR: Unable to get Authentication token. Check if Appserver is running.

Performed steps in the scenario:

  1. DP 24.2 checked in operation in a test environment. Tests OK. Everythink working fine (connecting drives/library, scheduled backups on tapes, restore backups, etc.)
  2. Changed local administrator password before adding to domain
  3. Host added to the domain without changing the hostname, only the FQDN name changed after that operation
  4. Local Administrator account without changing any domain permissions.
  5. DP GUI Manager does not start - error: Unable to get Authentication token. Check if Appserver is running
  6. Windows - Programs - Repair option on DP installation.

(a) Repair was successful. New certificate to CM (due to change of FQDN).

(b) Further appears the same error: Unable to get Authentication token. Check if Appserver is running

(c) List of running services via Windows is different from the list of running services from the command : omnisv -status. I think there is some minor problem with hpdp-iam and Data Protector Application Server (service).

(d) Omnisv -stop / -start: no changes in serives, info that some DP services cannot be started (hpdp-iam is still down)

(e) List of running DP services via Windows: changed password to account .\Administrator to working properly all DP services (current password of the accout). Restart of services under services.msc. No successful results in starting DP GUI Manager. 

  1. Uninstall whole DP. Manual removal files left after uninstallation (from Program Files); ProgramData empty).
  2. Restart the host
  3. Install DP step by step (wizzard) with standard options on the same host in the domain.
  4. a) Errors/Warnings after installation about : some services started with warrings and errors. Service Data Protector IAM Server started under Local System accout. Unable to create service account. Few users could not be migrated. Migration of 10 template(s) failed.
  5. Uninstall whole DP once again
  6. Remove host from the domain.
  7. Restart the host.
  8. Install DP as in step 9 on a host without a domain.

            (a) some warrnings 

      15.Still DP GUI Manger not open – error: Unable to get Authentication token. Check if Appserver is running.

Right now I have not working DP 24.2 even on host outside the domain. It’s the test environment. I have no much time to test it, it should be "in production", but the host must be in the domain. The test environment needs to be quickly deployed to production (we are currently using the „old DP” on another host with HPE MSL library).

  • Verified Answer


    Well if the host is added to a domain then I would first of all use omnicellnamechange.pl. This will:

    • Replace new Cell Manager name in Data Protector configuration files
    • Regenerate certificates
    • Configure Cell Manager name in IDB
    • Run user migration

    Restart services and check the status. Use "omnidbutil -show_cell_name" and "omniusers -list" as basic checks. If there would still be issues then omniasfix may be needed too.

    If this is not helping then you may want to open a support case.

    Although I am an OpenText employee, I am speaking for myself and not for OpenText.
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