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DP VTL Replication & Import


We have a requirement to create a new cross site DP replication and import systems to replace an ancient DP 7.0 backup system. The old DP 7.0 system is set up like this:

  • Local DP cell and remote DP cell
  • Local DP backups up to Storeonce VTL
  • Local Storeonce VTL replicates to remote Storeonce VTL using Storeonce built in replication
  • Remote DP uses the old HP supplied perl scripts which manage the scan/import of the remote VTL in to the remote DP cell, allowing it to them subsequently be written to physical tape, all in an automated way.

Our plan is to create a completely new replacement DP and migrate just the backup jobs from one DP to another, but not the actual backup data, we'll just leave that to expire on the old DP 7 instances as we only keep a years worth on tape:

  • New local DP cell and new remote DP cell
  • New Local DP will backup to new Storeonce VTL libraries
  • New local Storeonce VTL replicates to new remote Storeonce VTL using Storeonce built in replication
  • How do we then import the remote VTL information in to the remote DP cell in an "automated" or "semi-automated" manner to allow for regular backups to physical tape

As far as we know we cannot use the DP 7 perl scripts in a new DP 23.4 installation, so what are our options for the final step in a new build situation using Storeonce VTLs? We can just manually barcode scan the library and import the VTL tapes using the GUI around the time we back up to tape, but that's obviously time consuming, but easily done. It would be better if we could automate in some way to scan and import the VTL tapes.

Is there anyone out there doing VTL scan/import on a new DP instance that could advise with any suggestions? 



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    With StoreOnce catalyst it would be possible to use Automated replication synchronization (ARS).

    For tape/VTL media, there was only 1 version of scripts released as far as I'm aware. This was 14 years ago and was named VLS-D2D_replication_automatic_import_solution_1.0. I assume it's those scripts you are talking about!? I did not test this, but do you have reason to believe the same scripts are not working anymore?

    Although I am an OpenText employee, I am speaking for myself and not for OpenText.
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    Hi Andy,

    Did you or do you have a chance to test this? I'm curious to get to know the outcome.

    Although I am an OpenText employee, I am speaking for myself and not for OpenText.
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    Hi Koen, 

    So this project to migrate off the old DP to a new one has been put on hold due to other more important work in the pipeline, so I won't be testing this for some time to come.  

    FYI we do have multiple DP instances spread across multiple segregated networks, which have their own D2Ds, but all others are either CIFS/NFS or Catalyst using the ARS replication method, and they just work. I think it may be easier in the long run to request our customer pay for two new Catalyst licenses for these old D2D's, and we just convert all backups from VTL to Catalyst and manage it like all of our other backups. 

