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Backup Navigator Trial Version

Hi Team

I wanted to download Backup Navigator, But instead of backup Navigator, Data Protector is downloaded. Where can I download Backup Navigator?Please share me the link to download the trial version .


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    It's actually on purpose that this is linking to the Data Protector download. But the page definitely needs an update with some guidance here. I asked the responsible team to look into that.

    The situation is that Backup Navigator is in maintenance mode and not sold anymore. The replacement is DP's Reporting Server, which comes with the DP package. So if you have DP already and you have the install package then you can install the Reporting Server from there. 

    Install reporting server
    Set up Reporting Server

    Although I am an OpenText employee, I am speaking for myself and not for OpenText.
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    Thank you very much for your answer. If I want to download the previous versions of Backup Navigator, where can I download them ?

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