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VM BAckup VS FS backup -- Best Practice

Hello All,

Need your Suggest on best practice 

Lets consider we have Virtual server with 2 TB of size . Is it good to configure VM level backup or FS level backup ?What will be the best practice .

Incase we go for VM level and again we have issue with some file level recovery ?

Incase we go for FS level backup we face delay during Server recovery ?

Thanks in advance!!!

  • Suggested Answer


    Server recovery will definitely be much easier with a VEPA backup. Disaster recovery with file system backups of a VM is often difficult. If you would go that route then you definitely need to test the recovery procedure BEFORE a disaster occurs to make sure you have a working pocedure. Recovering the VM from a VEPA backup is easier and for file level restore there is GRE. My recommendation would be to go for VEPA backups.

    Although I am an OpenText employee, I am speaking for myself and not for OpenText.
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  • Suggested Answer


    Server recovery will definitely be much easier with a VEPA backup. Disaster recovery with file system backups of a VM is often difficult. If you would go that route then you definitely need to test the recovery procedure BEFORE a disaster occurs to make sure you have a working pocedure. Recovering the VM from a VEPA backup is easier and for file level restore there is GRE. My recommendation would be to go for VEPA backups.

    Although I am an OpenText employee, I am speaking for myself and not for OpenText.
    If you found this post useful, give it a “Like” or click on "Verify Answer" under the "More" button.

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    HI Keon/All,

    Thanks for your reply

    But GRE recovery is not that much straight forward. We face many challenges during GRE recovery. Do we have any student Guide for GRE recovery 

    IN our environment we have many VM from 2 t0 10 TB size 

    Scsci 0:0 C drive alone in VM level backup and rest all drives as File Level backup -- Will this approach works. Let me know advantage and disadvantage on this approach. Do we have any best practice for VM backup configurations for environment with Huge size VM's 

    Thanks in advance!!!