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DP9: [61:1002] Inactivity timeout on CONFIGURATION object

We do currently face some problems on different jobs where we are running a backup of the complete machine (see the error below):

If I unselect the CONFIGURATION object the job runs without any error. If I create an additional job with ONLY the CONFIGURATION object this one also completes without error. As soon as it is within one job we see the following error:

[Major] From: BSM@xxx.yyy.zzz "XXX" Time: 28.09.2016 03:20:36
[61:1002] The BMA named "XXX [GW 3836:1:4014134147542123963]" on host xxx.yyy.zzz
reached its inactivity timeout of 8400 seconds.
The agent on host will be shutdown.

[Major] From: BSM@xxx.yyy.zzz "XXX" Time: 28.09.2016 03:21:15
[61:1002] The BMA named "XXX [GW 3836:2:4014134147542123963]" on host xxx.yyy.zzz
reached its inactivity timeout of 8400 seconds.
The agent on host will be shutdown.

We're currently running DP 9.07_110, but we did see this already in earlier DP9 versions.

Any suggestions?