At the moment only DP 11 is certified by SAP, that will include only DP 23.04.
Is there already a timetable when OT will certify DP 24.x?
Thank you!
Best regards,
DevOps Cloud
IT Operations Cloud
At the moment only DP 11 is certified by SAP, that will include only DP 23.04.
Is there already a timetable when OT will certify DP 24.x?
Thank you!
Best regards,
According to SAP, they have phased out their Backint API recertification program. Data Protector will continue to test and release our own SAP certification information in our Platforms and Integrations Support Matrix for each release, https://docs.microfocus.com/DP/SupportMatrix/24.4/Platform_Integrtn_SupportMatrix_DP24.4.pdf.
Could you share your source?
Because of being a SAP customer, my source is always SAP related, because I have to use certified third party products, otherwise I don't get support from SAP. And here only DP 11 is listed as certified: https://www.sap.com/dmc/exp/2013_09_adpd/enEN/#/solutions?search=%22data%20protector%22&id=s:ff2ffb22-1de2-4bd0-a5e0-21cd91410f4a
We were directly informed by a member of the SAP Integration and Certification Center. Details are here: FAQ_June_2024_SAP_Integration_Certification_Portfolio_Update.pdf