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TRIM Connector - Master Location Clarification


I have tested the TRIM Connector by connecting DEV and UAT TRIM 9.3 from CP and everything works well, The below is the quick summary of the steps.

1) Create Repository by using TRIM Connector in CP

2) Created\mapped the master Location as TRIM Connector Repo.
3) IDOL Index - Record by using Date Registered from date range [ Chosen the "Create Notifications for the CFS Connector" ] and Reindex completed.

4) I have verified my CMRepo - Analysed and the Total count tally as per reindex Range.

5) ReAnalyse the Test File repository and go to "Duplicates by Location" and can see the CMRepo[File count] as location and my File repository [ File count].

6) Verified the File repository file content [ For the document that already available in TRIM as a Master location ] in CP > Properties > Master Location" it shows the record URI belongs to TRIM as Master.

Now, I have repeated the same above steps now by using Prod TRIM connector and everything seems normal. But, I dont find any "Duplicates by Location" as TRIM Repo and I thought may be no file has been available in TRIM and only available in legacy File repository.

But, I just downloaded one file from my Prod TRIMCMRepo in CP and place\paste inside my Test File Repo and Re-Scan and Re-Analyse. Now, If I go to my TestFileRepository , it should show the "Duplicates by Location" as I deleiberately copied one file, but none. Not sure what is missing ?

Note: I never created the Origin, TargetLocation for ProdCM Repository as I will do it if I want to capture Records in CM once Analysis completed only. The Origin, TargetLocation, I created and tested during my DEV and UAT TRIMConnetcor.

Any input will be appreciated.

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    Hey, I'm not sure if I'm getting the problem right but when I follow the same steps by using ProdTRIM connector I can see the "Duplicates by Location". I can't provide any screenshots as I have left my laptop at my flat in Istanbul but if you'd like to see it I can send it when I'm back home.

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    Hi Ronald,

    Thanks for your reply. I have done the steps before pointing DEV TRIM Instance and verified the "Duplicates by Location", But once I changed Prod TRIM Connector [ though restarted Engine service ] and perform the same above steps , not able to see the "Duplicates by Location. It is bit strange and not sure any other cache somewhere need to remove etc?

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    MF ControlPoint Experts,

    1) I have done the FIle Share Scan and Analysis.

    2) Copy one of the File from the File Share and upload in TRIM.

    3) CM Client > IDOL Index Record ReIndex based on the Specific Date Registered.

    4) CMProd repository in ControlPoint, perform the incremental Scan and verified the Document available in CP now.

    5) CP Admin > Settings > Master Location as expected [ COntentManagerProd]

    6) I can see the file is available in CMConnectorRepo and Legacy Share Repo in ControlPoint now.

    7) I did reAnalyse my legacy File share.

    My question is that, why the Legacy Share not showing the Duplicate By Location as "TRIM Connector" now , So that I can check the File > Properties as Master Location as TRIM and Record Number. But, it is missing now. 

    It is showing blank now [ Duplicates in the Legacy File Share Analysis ]

    Any idea or suggestion or anything missing here? Thanks in advance. 

    Note: I dont find any error in the logs and everything is Normal.

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    Just to add another point:

    I am not sure , why TRIMProd [ ContentManager ] repository is showing in my CPPotentialSet Table. Is it expected behaviour? There is no records exists in CPPotentialSetAnalysis Table.

    Normally, during Analysis always 3 options will be shown only and not TRIMProd, but why one entry in the Table and will it be the reason behind this issue?

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    I managed to found the issue reason and due to "Potential Set" that I need to Map for Duplicates and perform reanalyse which will bring it back the Duplicate by Location and the record URI as Master location in Properties.

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    I managed to found the issue reason and due to "Potential Set" that I need to Map for Duplicates and perform reanalyse which will bring it back the Duplicate by Location and the record URI as Master location in Properties.

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